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(Archived) Upgrade and Foreign Paypal

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I have a French PayPal account with four different credit cards on it (two VISA cards and two AmEx cards). I have never had any problem paying with this Paypal account, wherever the service provider/merchant is located. However, I have been unable to upgrade to Premium: every time I try, I get a page informing me the transaction could not be completed and referring me back to the merchant, i.e. Evernote. I have made other online purchases since then, with US merchants, and have not had any problem.

What gives?


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We have heard reports about this from a few other users in Europe. When we check our logs, it appears that we give PayPal the correct information, and they confirm it as being valid, but then they generate an error on their site.

We have asked PayPal about these problems, and their support department told us:

"Please have your customer contact our customer support team in Germany for assistance. The issue will be specific to their buying account, and not your account as a seller.


Please use this link to contact our Customer Service team: http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cm ... ct-general

You can also contact our Customer Service agents by phone at:

US/CA: 1-888-221-1161

UK: 08707 307 191

Australia: 1-800-073-263

Germany: 0180 500 66 27

Other: 1-402-935-2080"

Please let us know if you are able to get a useful reply from PayPal. Needless to say, we definitely want to fix this problem.


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OK guys, this is the full reply I just got from PayPal, and it's not good:

"Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your concerns. I am happy to assist you further.

I have reviewed your PayPal account and can confirm that the transaction you are referring to has been stopped by our internal security system.

To provide one of the safest online payment methods PayPal reviews every transaction before it's approved. Occasionally, we must block a certain funding source. It means that there may be a higher-than-normal level of risk associated with the transaction (e.g. transaction being challenged to be unauthorised).

Unfortunately, I can neither give you detailed information as to why our security system has blocked your transaction nor am I able to override or manually change the security settings. Please be assured that this is a standard procedure for all transactions going through PayPal and it's carried out in accordance with our User Agreement.

We regret any inconvenience this may have caused and would like to ask you to initiate the payment at a later date or use another funding source. We also advise that you contact your seller and inform them why the payment has not been completed yet. If the seller accepts payments through PayPal they will be familiar with your situation. To review our User Agreement please click the Legal Agreements at the bottom of the page.

I appreciate the opportunity to assist you. We are committed to making yourexperiences at PayPal pleasant and rewarding."

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Oh, boy, that really stinks. It would be nice if their error page gave a little more information so that you could tell the difference between a technical problem and a payment issue.

Thank you for sending us this information. If you have a credit card, you may be able to subscribe via Google Checkout instead.

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