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(Archived) Evernote as a user forum

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In all my years at Evernote, I've never even heard of this being attempted.


From my over 15 years of professional experience in working with online communities (and longer as a participant) I can tell you that to have a successful forum tool, you would need to have something that allows for users to collaborate instantaneously and have their individual contribution captured.


Evernote does not allow either of these things.


We can capture the information, but not give individual credit to a collaborator. Additionally, there is no mechanism for users to reply.


Via our API, you could do some clever things with data storage, but there are much better tools out there for this kind of thing.

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  • 1 month later...

I feel very strongly that this feature would be a great addition to Evernote Business. I am not thinking of a high volume system like Reddit, but consider the type of comment / discussion capability in most corporate Wiki or Sharepoint sites.  There are just a few linked posts in each thread and rarely get action a month after the initial post. 


If each note were an individual post and not try to overload the note as a thread itself, then the client application can interpret the notes and apply the linkage that creates threaded discussions, likely keeping the thread ID in the note's metadata for faster performance.



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