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(Archived) Feature Request - Editor features on all platforms

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Hello World,


it is time to bring my rusty knowledge of english back to life ...


After using Evernote for more than a year as a premium user I think that it is time to request a certain feature. I do not know if it was posted before so I just try it.


I love Evernote but it has one important ... error would be the wrong word ... lets say shortcoming:The editor ...


I am using Evernote on every platform - Windows, iOS and the Web (Android from next week on), but if I create a note, the editor and its possibilities are not the same.


- On iOS you can create different types of headlines - not possible on Windows.

- Horizontal rules  - not on iOS

- Highlighting - on iOS, not on Windows

- etc, etc.


So, please, make the editor on all platform the same. That would be extremly useful. 


BTW: I am looking forward to the reminders on Windows! It was really worth waiting on iOS!



Greetings from Germany



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As I have seen at the last weekend there are things to come ... at least on the Mac ... so I hope that things will change on the other platform as well ... Cool!


A little hint: Reminders on Windows are still missing ...

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