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(Archived) Reorganizing notes within a notebook (More "View Options"?)

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I'm new to the forum and new to using Evernote. Started converting today. :) I have a suggestion and apologize if it's been posted here before.


I saw several posts where other users expressed desire to reorganize the lists of their notebooks, but I originally signed on here to say, I wish there was a way to reorganize your notes WITHIN the notebook itself rather than by Date Added, Date Updated, etc.


Does anyone know of a work-around for this or could suggest another note-tagging app? Don't get me wrong, I love Evernote - I'm just a control freak.


I'd also like to really throw a hand in the ring here about highlighting text in the notes themselves. I'd even pay for that!

  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the forums. There's no way to change the layout other than by sorting notes on one of the existing features - date / heading / tag etc.  The workaround that (I think) most folks use is to gimmick the note title with dating / numbering so you can sort on title into a useful order.


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