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(Archived) Copy complete Evernote content from iPhone to iPad

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Hi, new on here but can't find any info on the following :

A. How to copy the entire Evernote content from my iPhone to my iPad?

B. What will happen AFTER copying content as in A) above if I delete the Evernote app on the iPhone ?

Many thanks in advance for any help.


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Evernote automatically syncs your notes and notebooks, so you will just need to log into Evernote on your iPhone and you will see the same content as you do on your iPad. There's no need to "copy" content over from one platform to another.


Deleting your Evernote iPhone app does not delete your Evernote account or content. You will still see it whether you log into Evernote on your iPad, Mac, online etc.


Hope that helps  :)

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  • Level 5*

Make sure all your content is sync'd up to the service before you delete the app on your phone. If it isn't and you delete the app, you will lose your data.

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