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(Archived) photo up load limit

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  • Level 5*

Hi - welcome to the forums. Your upload limits have a reset date which is the date you started with that package,  not necessarily the beginning of the month.  You may have to wait until the 10th or 21st or something for your specific reset.  If that's not your issue,  please tell us what client you're running and exactly what your error messages say.  Have you though of creating a local-only notebook to add your pictures to, so you can simply move them to a synced notebook when your limit resets?  You can also see how much you're uploading and manage the bandwidth.

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  • Level 5

In addition to what Gaz said, EN is not ideal for storing photos (especially in high quality) as bandwidth and monthly upload quotas are limiting factors for this. It may be better to store your photos on a local drive or local notebook.

For storing photos on your local drive there are other pieces of software that do exactly this more efficiently (Picasa coes to mind).

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  • Level 5

I completely agree with Wern.


There are many photo storage website available. Some are free.

Flickr just announced their new plan - a terabyte of photo/video storage for free.

That's 582,000 photos (6 megapixels each).

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