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New Evernote + GTD integration - invitation

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On the mobile platform, using Evernote for GTD - I need fast access to prioritized lists of tasks grouped by GTD context and sorted by priority. 


I recently began doing GTD via Evernote - setting it up according to the The Secret Weapon guidelines.  I quickly noticed that it was impossible (on a mobile platform) to easily work out which task in my "Actions" notebook should be done next - because there's no way to sort the list of tasks based on priority.  I didn't fancy creating notes just to index my tasks either, that was too much like work.

So I decided to write the solution myself (screenshot attached), I've called it: Informant.
Informant creates task lists grouped by GTD context, and provides task completion - these two features achieve my first goal of being able to pick out the "next action" for any given context very very quickly - and when I tick off an action as completed, the web service automatically moves the task to a "Completed" folder.
I want to make Informant the *best* GTD integration that's possible and for that I need your help.  For example; the next feature I'd like to add is the daily review - whereby you pick items you want to get done today, and the service builds you a single note with just those items on it.  I have many other different ideas as to how the system can be improved, but I need real world users to guide me so that I put the right things into the product first.  
If you are interested in using a preview version of the product in order to help shape it's future, please contact me and I'll provide further instructions to allow you access to the invite-only beta.
I am also more than happy to discuss anything related to GTD + Evernote - please get into contact with me either in these forums or via john@coderage-software.com.
Thanks, I appreciate your help and look forward to making the best Evernote GTD integration that I can.
John Clayton


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I like your approach in the screenshot, it's very original!  It's so cool you can use evernote in a million ways.  Can you give more info about the product you are working on?

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I'm use Evernote with GTD but only for organize all files and important mails around my projects, for the task i'm use another application, but each one have the same organization for the projects. 

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Hi Matt46, yes!  I have recently updated the product & signup process.  I would invite you to sign up at https://informant.coderage-software.com/ to try the service out - I'm very keen on getting feedback on the signup process, setup and actual use of Informant with your GTD workflow.  My aim is still to produce the best Evernote + GTD integration possible - so your views and ideas count!


If you need a hand, or have suggestions - just reply here, I'll be keeping an eye out.



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Thanks for your screenshot.. I have been using evernote and gtd together for about 12 months.  Using tags to identify next actions and contexts, and notebooks and stacks to arrange project support materials and reference materials.  I have used the shortcut on the home screen/desktop to create lists  (e.g., @Home, @Phone)


John would be interested in the beta testing if that option is still available

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  • 2 months later...



If you are still interested in beta testing - I've recently updated the web service and continue to improve how it works along with it's feature set.  I've got a number of ideas planned for future releases and am always interested in cross checking other peoples feedback against my internal idea database (i.e. sanity check, am I on the right path?)


If you want to give it a shot - you can sign up at: https://informant.coderage-software.com/


Thanks, take care


John Clayton


Thanks for your screenshot.. I have been using evernote and gtd together for about 12 months.  Using tags to identify next actions and contexts, and notebooks and stacks to arrange project support materials and reference materials.  I have used the shortcut on the home screen/desktop to create lists  (e.g., @Home, @Phone)


John would be interested in the beta testing if that option is still available

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