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I notice that when I hover my cursor above the location field that has a value in it (County, State, and Country), the street address pops up. If I click on the drop down arrow and pick "Edit", the street address doesn't show, only the latitude and longitude and I can't enter a street address. 


Can someone tell me how to edit (and create) street address information in Evernote? (I do not have the Premium version.)

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  • Level 5*

As best I can tell, this information is not contained in the note itself. I checked this by exporting the note to .ENEX format, and looking at the result. Must be doing a dynamic geocoding operation, probably via an online service. They get it wrong in my case; I'm right on the border of my town -- another town is on the other side of the street, and they get the street numbers and town both wrong.

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