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(Archived) Add a description to a clipped note from windows client

Nathan T

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I'm wondering how I can add a description to a web clipping from the windows client, if I didn't do so when I originally clipped it.  If I add a description when I clip a note, there's a description line above the clipping, a horizontal separator, then the content.  But if I don't, that space isn't there.  I can edit the content itself, so I can get keywords in, but I'd like the appearance to match descriptions of other web clippings.


In theory I could manually add a line with my description then add a horizontal separator, but the css of many web clippings doesn't actually allow you to 'push' it down with carriage returns.  (Try clipping this post as an article for example.  It was an EN forum post that I first noticed this behavior on.)


Hopefully I'm just missing the 'add description' option somewhere!  Thanks.

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