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(Archived) Can I force Evernote to re-index an image?


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Evernote does a great job of OCR when I take a picture of a printed page, but as soon as I rotate or crop it, the highlights are all off.  Usually this is just sort of annoying, but sometimes I purposely chop off text that I don't care about and never want to find, but it still shows up because it was in the original.


Is there a way that I can force EN to re-index an image after I manipulate it (short of deleting it and pasting the image in a new note)?

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Evernote does a great job of OCR when I take a picture of a printed page, but as soon as I rotate or crop it, the highlights are all off.  Usually this is just sort of annoying, but sometimes I purposely chop off text that I don't care about and never want to find, but it still shows up because it was in the original.


Is there a way that I can force EN to re-index an image after I manipulate it (short of deleting it and pasting the image in a new note)?

The way you mentioned is the best way to do it (resubmit newly modified image in a new note). You could try the third party web based enex editor (please search the board if you're intersted) but IME the first way would be the easiest.

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Thanks for the quick reply.  I'll check it out.


It seems to me that this would be a good product enhancement for a future release.  I think it should re-index any image that has been rotated, cropped or modified (at least as an option).

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Thanks for the quick reply.  I'll check it out.


It seems to me that this would be a good product enhancement for a future release.  I think it should re-index any image that has been rotated, cropped or modified (at least as an option).



Are you sure it's not?  IOW, are you sync'ing...waiting...resync'ing & then searching?

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I just did a little experiment, and it does seem to exclude the cropped text from search after an update, but the highlights in the cropped image for the words that are present is still way off.  So somehow those don't seem to be updated after syncing.


One more update . . .


I just checked in Evernote Web and in the iOS iPad version, and the highlights are perfect.  So, I guess this may only be a bug in the Windows version of the Evernote client.

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