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(Archived) Emailed Outlook calendar event ends up as "attachment" -- how to include in note?

Jan T Kim

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I forwarded an Outlook calendar event containing a seminar announcement to my Evernote email address. The body of the event contains an abstract of the seminar, and I was expecting to find that in the body of my note in Evernote, so I can add my own notes while listening to the seminar. However, the Evernote note just contains an "attachment", and clicking on that gives an dialog box saying "no activity found to handle this action". The dialog provides an option to "Check apps on Market for supporting this content", but that doesn't give any conclusive result.


From sending the same event to my Google mailbox I know that the email is multipart/alternative, containing the event, including the abstract, as text/plain, as text/html and as text/calendar.


Reasoning that it can't be impossible to convert the text/plain content into a note body (and also the text/html version, at least as long as the HTML isn't entirely broken), I sent a plain text email to my Evernote mailbox and found the body of that email became the body of the note, as I expected. Further, I used the Evernote web interface to save the attachment and found it to contain only the text/calendar part.


So in summary, the problem appears to be that the import process decides to run with the text/calendar version of the multipart message and to scrap the other versions, and this choice seems a bit silly considering that Evernote can convert at least the text/plain format without relying on additional apps. Is there any configuration option to tell Evernote on Android to do that? Or perhaps a way to ask Evernote to extract the text contained in the text/calendar attachment into the note?


Best regards, Jan

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  • Level 5*

Evernote is pretty good,  but it can't decide which bit of coding to deal with and which to ignore - the way to see plain text in the note is to send a plain text email.  Or use the Outlook plugin option "save to Evernote" which works fine on my appointments and saves the notes section to the body of my notes.

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Dear Gazumped,


thanks for your reply.


With regard to Evernote's ability to decide, I don't quite agree -- (1) Evernote does, in fact, decide to keep the text/calendar version and (2) it then goes on to decide to look for another app for dealing with that attachment, rather than to import its contents into the note it's generated upon receipt of the email.Also, the email *does* contain a text/plain version of the content, and it's not really ideal that Evernote ignores that (apparently resulting from the decision that text/calendar is the best format to keep), and thereby gets itself in a position where it can't import the attachment into a note (which is the main purpose of sending that email after all).


Perhaps, though, there's a configuration option or a pop-up menu hidden somewhere I haven't yet looked -- as this is my first tablet (Nexus 10) and I started using Evernote only recently, that's entirely possible.


I'm not too keen on that Outlook plugin as I presume I'd have to install that on all computers I might use, I'm not sure whether I can install it on the remote desktop server, and I don't expect it to work with Outlook Web Access.


I agree with you, though, that Evernote is pretty good -- I just think that if it can't already import from calendar entries without falling back on other apps, it could still get better...  ;-)


Best regards, Jan

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