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(Archived) How view multiple pdf attachments in a note?


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I have a note, created yesterday, that only contains an attached pdf.  Today I attached a 2nd pdf to the same note and, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to view the 2nd note.  The only way I was able to prove it was there was to right click on the note header and click "Save Attachments".  Both notes were downloaded so I know that they are both with the note.   I also right clicked on the one viewable note and chose "View as attachment", thinking that one note was 'covering up' the second, but I still only see the one attachment when doing that.  How in the world are you supposed to view subsequent notes?  Do they normally appear one below the other, viewable as you scroll down the note, or what? 


Thanks for some insight.  Surely I must be missing something real obvious.

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Intersting, because for me the second pdf just shows right below the first one. One suggestion, something that I do is to make sure I put some text between the first and second.  Otherwise they are hard to deal with individually - for example, to delete one of them.  Try a new note that way.  Also, are you dragging and dropping?  I find that works better.

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  • Level 5*

There have been other posts in the forums about 'missing' PDF attachments,  and I'm not sure whether that is a feature or a bug that Evernote are aware of.  It's certainly true that PDFs added to an existing note can take time to show up - the note obviously has to sync with the server at some point, and Evernote seems to spend some time getting those details sorted out before actually updating the local display.  If your addition isn't visible after some hours I'd suggest raising a support ticket.  The second PDF certainly should be visible immediately below the original one - eventually.

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This is very strange.  I created a couple of other notes, with two attachments each, and found them to work as described here.  I tried with a 2nd attachment immediately after the 1st attachment, with no space in between and in another note with a couple lines of space between them. In both cases it worked flawlessly where, before starting this thread, I was not able to see two attempts at attaching two attachments to a note.  I don't know what has changed, and this has me questioning my sanity, but the behavior is definitely different now.


I don't recall if I rebooted or restarted Evernote between the failed and successful attachments so I'm of not much help in trying to figure this out.  I'll keep my eyes open for this in the future.

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I am experiencing the same problem viewing multiple attachments. I've created a note for a particular book and I'm adding selected chapters as separate PDFs. I've tried using the paper clip option as well as dragging/dropping, but EN will only show me one attachment. I've also tried syncing EN so that it will update, but that doesn't work. The attachments are on the note somewhere because the file name says it contains "7 attachments," but I am only able to view one attachment. When I expand the note into a PDF, again, I can only see the one attachment. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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  • Level 5*

I am experiencing the same problem viewing multiple attachments. I've created a note for a particular book and I'm adding selected chapters as separate PDFs. I've tried using the paper clip option as well as dragging/dropping, but EN will only show me one attachment. I've also tried syncing EN so that it will update, but that doesn't work. The attachments are on the note somewhere because the file name says it contains "7 attachments," but I am only able to view one attachment. When I expand the note into a PDF, again, I can only see the one attachment. 


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Although I have faith in Evernote,  I'd suggest you keep backup copies of your PDFs somewhere handy,  or backup the database regularly..


In this case (and for general peace of mind) how about adding the chapters as separate notes?  You could tie them together with tags or suitably numbered titles - 001,  002 etc...

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