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(Archived) How to hide notes with help of saved search?


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Often I have too many notes in a sub notebook and it would be nice to "hide" a pile of notes with a search paramter.

I tried to give some notes a special tag (say: "archive") and to make a saved search "-tag:archive"


This works in the actual notebook, but the syntax fo the saved search is "notebook:project123 -tag:archive".

If I try this in an other notebook of course it rolls back to the first notebook.

If I use only "-tag:archive" the search uses all notes.


Best would be a placeholder like "notebook:[[aktual notebookname]] -tag:archive". Or Evernote would finally allow one level more in notebook stacks ...


Any idea to reduce the long list of notes beside the things like "don't use notebooks and use only a tag structure"?


Thank you again for hints! :-)

  • Level 5*

Could you exclude the unwanted notes by adding a date parameter to select for 'notes in the last week/ month/ year'?


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