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(Archived) sync across two computers - THANK YOU

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So I finally got around to installing EN desktop on my home laptop (been using it exclusively on work machine). What a simple, painless process that very quickly brought over EVERYTHING (data, tags, notebooks, Saved Searches, etc.) to my home laptop.

I cannot count how many times I've struggled with what *should* be a fairly simple process - keeping data on work and home computers in sync. Coming from the Palm world, I relied heavily on Hotsync and/or the handheld as go-between (syncing computer A with my handheld first, then sync to computer B to get data from one machine to another). This solution was less than ideal, and I had countless data corruption issues. EN does this perfectly, using the "cloud." And it allows me the freedom to create local notebooks that exist only on one machine.

As someone who loudly cries for the features that I *must* have in Evernote, I wanted to say THANK YOU for accomplishing synchronization across computers so well.

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I want to second this thank you!

Plus I want to add that I find the email feature terrific. It is *fantastic* to be able to send an email to my Evernote notebook on my blackberry. It makes my blackberry a full part of my notetaking, even though I don't have an Evernote client running on it.

Both syncing all devices and being able to email notes sound like simple accomplishments, but NOBODY else has nailed them like Evernote. Syncing, in particular, is completely of the devil. You folks got it right.

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