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(Archived) how to name notebook to appear at top of list


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Very basic question here but I can't seem to find how to do this.  I have seen others name notebooks with a "!" at the beginning to have it sort to the top automatically.  I did this for my Inbox but it still appears in alphabetical order where "I" would be.  I've closed and reopened EN thinking it might just need to be restarted to take effect and also checked it on my Android tablet, etc. but it's the same.  thanks

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Here's a screenshot of my (little) system, I've used that since many years over all kinds of machines (PDAs and the like) and programs. The screenshot is from a German version of Evernote for OSX (5.0.7), but it should still give you the basic idea.





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Duh, exiting completely did the trick.  I thought I had done that, by clicking on the X in upper right hand corner, but I guess something stays active that way?  Thanks for pointing out the obvious.


Tiberius, thanks for your screenshot, too.  I see you use numbers to keep your notebooks in the order you want - that's another good idea.  I think I have too many notebooks, but am experimenting with stacks for family, work, etc.  May have to pare down later.

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