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(Archived) Clipping too much

Nils Geylen

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Hi, obviously I've looked around for dupes, but most threads seem to talk about the clipper not grabbing enough: I'm seeing it clip too much. Have been for a while, but I thought I'd ask around now.


Can't define it as a specific issue but even with "Preserve style" unticked, the clipper seems to grab a lot of stuff I don't want (often they're background images I suppose, or social media stuff, lots of comments and footers too).


It's not so much a bug report or a complaint: I was just wondering, since Clearly seems to do a decent job of showing a clean, readable page of just content, why does clipper insist on grabbing these extras?


I solve it by selecting just the paragraphs or clipping the print view, but that gets annoying.


Should "Do not preserve styles" not mean: do not preserve any web page styling, just the copy text? If this is no dupe, and other feel the same (I know it's somewhat of a personal preference but still) I'm declaring this a feature request: clip readable view only.


Some details: now I'm on Chromium 26 on Linux, latest clipper, but it's been the case on other platforms and browsers.

Example page: any article from mindtools.com just now, but it happens elsewhere too.


Screen here (edit: note how nothing here is actually part of the article):



PS: I know about the selection arrows and I use them but it changes little.



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