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Hi Timothy,


Wow that is a big question. Main problem would be understanding what you want to do with Evernote.


Have a search for study or studies, you will find there are already quite a few people who have suggestions on how to use Evernote for studying.


Best regards



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I actually just spent my whole morning importing the Bb, C and Eb real books into Evernote. Each Notebook is a different Real Book (Bb Vol 1, Bb Vol 2, Bb Vol 3, etc...) and each note is a song. I listed the Index file beginning with a "!" for quick reference to what is where. 


On a side note, I think I have broken my importing functionality from a windows folder. The entire import was about 3,000 single pdf pages which I decided would be a good idea to do all at once and just let it do it's thing. It worked well but, there are a total of 40ish pages left in the folder that won't import. 

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Also, I keep an image of manuscript paper on my Galaxy Note 2. When I have a musical Idea I draw some notes on it and email/share it to my Evernote Notebook.


This topic is extremely interesting to me, I'm curious how other use it.


I think I'll keep all my ideas in a note and then when I'm sure I don't have any more I'll add it to the forum, i could probably keep going for days.

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