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(Archived) Blocked by the instruction "create a new pile"


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I am working in a PC with Window XP. When I opened Evernote today I found that when I when to open a the note in one of my notebooks appears a mesagge "create a new pile" ¿What can I do to supress this instruction?

I try this in my Ipad and I don´t have problems so I believe is a problem with the local configuration of Everenote or Windows 


Celso Garrido

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  • Level 5*

Welcome to the forums.  I've never seen that message in a couple of years of working with the Windows client,  so I'd recommend that you start a support request now if you haven't already done so.  Unless someone else knows otherwise I'd also say that's a Windows problem rather than an Evernote one,  so you might have a search around for any relevant help screens - although my quick search only came up with some Windows software that creates 'piles' to put shortcuts on your taskbar...


Sorry not to be more help.

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