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(Archived) [bug] chrome webclipper logs out automatically after visiting www.yinxiang.com


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Everytime I visit www.yinxiang.com in chrome, webclipper logs out itself immediately.


After some dubugging in webclipper js code, I found that the problem might be at line 9 in content/evernote.js, which registers noticeLogout action for a couple of web client URLs.


Unfortunately the regex matches "www.yinxiang.com" which is not webclient URL but the static homepage for YXBJ service in China (Equivalence to "evernote.com" without "www." prefix).


So to fix this clipper logout issue, line 9 in content/evernote.js should be changed to



Please fix this issue in next release of chrome web clipper officially, then I need no longer change this js file by myself.




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