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Evernote not saving edits on random notes


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I use Evernote on Mac, Android and Windows 7.  I've recently had an issue with the Windows version on my Acer Aspire One netbook.  I have a notebook with many notes inside.  All notes have tables.  I was adding characters into various cells on various notes at various times.  When I synched with my Mac at home, I noticed several notes (with fairly large tables) had no edits saved.  When I went back to the netbook, the edits were missing there too.  Apparently they were never saved in the first place.  Most of the notes with smaller tables had saved the edits.  I shut the netbook down normally.  I have never seen this problem before and this has caused me to rethink using Evernote for this purpose, or for even taking the netbook with me.  Anybody else have this issue?


I just checked the Evernote client on my netbook and the unchanged files showed up in the "Conflicting Changes" folder.  Probably because I had manually made the changes on my Mac client.  As a separate issue I have changes on my workplace Evernote client (Vista) that aren't showing up anyplace else, including the web version.  Any way to avoid these conflicting changes?  Any way to access them in the Mac client?  Was there an outage on 4/17?

  • Level 5*

Conflicting changes occurs it when you make changes to a single note on separate devices before they it's synced to the Evernote server. The server says, hey, this note has been changed by two different devices, I can't figure out which set of changes is is the real one. Off to the Conflicting Changes Dungeon with you both!

Basically, if you have multiple devices in play, make sure that you sync your changed notes on one device when you're done with it, and sync those changes down to the next device. That way, you'll always be editing the latest and greatest.


Hi Jeff


Thanks for the reply.  When I'm out with my netbook, I rarely have wifi access.  When I get home, I immediately synch to the network and the fire up my Mac and synch that to the network.  When I opened the Mac file this weekend, several notes did not synch and days later I found out they were in conflicting changes on the netbook.  Shouldn't all notes synch at once?  The changes were only made on one device (netbook), yet some never made it to the second device (Mac).  Where do conflicting changes show up in the Mac version?  I'm using the latest Evernote on all machines.





  • Level 5*

I can't quite tell from your description exactly what is happening. The bottom line is that if you've made changes on your Mac without having first synced down any changes from your netbook, then you stand a chance of getting conflicting notes. Maybe what you're seeing right now is the result of not having resolved conflicting notes? I'd try doing that first, and getting to a stable state.


Hi Jeff


I synched my netbook first.  Then when I synched my Mac, several of the notes that were changed on the netbook did not appear with the changes on the Mac.  Many other notes did show the changes, but not all.  It would make sense to me if none of the notes showed the changes, then it would be a synch issue, but only random notes were not updating.





  • 11 months later...

I had this same issue today.  It has never happened before in the 2 years of using Evernote premium.

Basically the changes I made in an edited note did not get saved.  In fact, as I was editing one note, adding onto it my addition just simply disappeared at one point.  No I did not hit a key and delete what I had just written, and I know that to be true because what the page 'refreshed' to was the content I had before.  


I submitted a ticket and am waiting for a response.  

  • 10 months later...

jlam, did you get a response from Evernote on this?  I am seeing the same problem -- Windows client, make an edit or create a new note, it looks like it saves it, but then go back to it a few moments later and the changes are not saved. If I reboot, all seems fine again. But this is not good. 


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