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(Archived) Emailing a note is only sent in HTML, not plain text

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I really like Evernote but really need to somehow integrate it with Google GQueues which is my main to-do tracker. I was experimenting with the Chrome web app for Evernote and saw I could send a note with a comment to an email address. I tried my GQueues designated email address that allows me to send potential tasks to GQueues. GQueues received it but did not display the note. Apparently, the email sent by Evernote does not have a plain text version attached as most HTML emails do. Is there a way someone at Evernote can activate or allow the plain text version to be embedded in the email as regular email clients do?


I would subscribe to Evernote if this issue could be resolved.



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Since you might like to do more with the item in GQueues - such as assign a calendar dated entry - you could create a filter in Gmail to select the Evernote emails, and tag them as "For GQueueing". Send the EN emails to gmail instead of gqueues. Then, in Gmail you could process any items tagged in this way, and push them to GQueues from there. This at least would consistently allow you to do any GQueue extras before the items are added to the task list.

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Since you might like to do more with the item in GQueues - such as assign a calendar dated entry - you could create a filter in Gmail to select the Evernote emails, and tag them as "For GQueueing". Send the EN emails to gmail instead of gqueues. Then, in Gmail you could process any items tagged in this way, and push them to GQueues from there. This at least would consistently allow you to do any GQueue extras before the items are added to the task list.


I tried this with 3 different email accounts I have. Auto-forwarding does not add the plain text component to the email for GQueues to interpret. However, if I manual forward the email, the plain text does get added and it then appears in GQueues. Having to manually forward it is enough for me to not even bother with Evernotes, I want to send tasks to GQueues easily, not have to intervene half way through the process.


Thanks for the suggestion though.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*

Seems a fair request. Is this only the web client that has this issue? (I'll retag the topic if so)

Note that this is a user forum, and not an official support forum. Evernote staff do read all posts, but may not reply to everything. It might be a good idea to submit this as a feature request in a support ticket. See the link in my signature.

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  • Level 5*

You might look into the Zapier service (zapier.com). I just found out that one of the things that it can do is to send a plaintext version of a note to a specified email account, when the note is created. You can specify this to when you create a note in a specific notebook, or with other criteria (including specific tags). I haven't actually gone through and done this yet, but I intend to try it out and will report back if there's anything weird about it.

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Seems a fair request. Is this only the web client that has this issue? (I'll retag the topic if so)

Note that this is a user forum, and not an official support forum. Evernote staff do read all posts, but may not reply to everything. It might be a good idea to submit this as a feature request in a support ticket. See the link in my signature.


Thanks for the reply.  I use the Chrome webapp and Android app. Both send emails of the note without the plain text embedded. I'll look into creating that ticket.

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  • Level 5*

Note: The Zapier service did succeed -- I created a rule that triggered when a note was created in my Todo notebook with a tag of "Todo", an email was sent off with plain text contents of the note. Basic Zapier service is free, so that might be a workaround until Evernote implements plain text in their emails (if ever).

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I didn't see the Zapier suggestion until a few minutes ago. I just created a zap myself and it worked like a charm. I made a filter that looks for *Gqueues* in a note which is my trigger that this note needs to go to GQueues to be made into a task. There's an added bonus with this now because I don't even need to email it manually, it will appear in my GQueues inbox automatically. Great suggestion! Thanks!!

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