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(Archived) 2 suggestions

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Now that we have Google Keep with us, in order to continue being the nº1 notes service I think there are a couple of things you should do.


1st - Colour notes, it's more visual and helps to organize

2nd -  Multiple edit, as of now sharing a note just means that other people can see it, I think you should be able to share notes with other Evernote users and that any of them can edit it. When we plan trips with my friends I tend to use Evernote to remember everything we have to buy, or do, or how much has each of us paid, if we all could edit these notes it'd be just awesome!


Thanks for your attention and keep up with the good work!



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I continue to be amazed the people compare keep to Evernote. Google will have to do a whole heck of a lot of work before keep has even half the features of Evernote. It's a nice, simple scratch pad. But, it's like comparing a steno pad to an iPad. 


Which is not to say you should make suggestions and feature requests. You absolutely should. 

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  • Level 5*

Now that we have Google Keep with us, in order to continue being the nº1 notes service I think there are a couple of things you should do.


1st - Colour notes, it's more visual and helps to organize

2nd -  Multiple edit, as of now sharing a note just means that other people can see it, I think you should be able to share notes with other Evernote users and that any of them can edit it. When we plan trips with my friends I tend to use Evernote to remember everything we have to buy, or do, or how much has each of us paid, if we all could edit these notes it'd be just awesome!


Thanks for your attention and keep up with the good work!




Hi. Welcome to the forums!


(1) Color. I like how Google has done it, and people have requested before that Evernote add it. It seems like a great idea to me. If/until they do it, though, you might want to take a look at some of the templates I have here (http://www.princeton.edu/~cmayo/template.html). 


(2) Sharing with modifications. You can do this already in Evernote. In fact, I'd say it is much more advanced (in many respects) than what Google has. If one of your friends becomes Premium, then they can create a notebook (let's call it "Friends") and they can give all of you permission to make modifications. 

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Oi! I'm not even comparing Keep with Evernote, I know the elephant is much better, what I mean is that Evernote is exclusively dedicated to notes, so if some other notes service has an interesting feature, they should take note (hehe) and implement it.


Thanks for the info GrumpyMonkey, I'll try the templates thing, it's like a manual way to put colour to your notes. Unfortunately none of my friends are premium, so at the moment we can't share.



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  • Level 5*

Hi Adria. Indeed, my templates (especially the snippet images) are a manual way to put in some color. Hopefully, you find it helpful.

If no one has Premium, another option is to have someone set up a notebook, share it with everyone, and give everyone their account's Evernote email address. You can email notes into it (put @ for the notebook and # for the tags in the subject line of your email). You cannot edit, so you just have to use versions of a note. In the Title field you'd just put "Version 01" at the end.

It's a little clumsy, but it works!

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