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(Archived) Open Evernote from the Menu bar

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I would like to be able to just open Evernote from the Menu bar icon. As it is now, it only has options to Save to Evenote, Clip Full Screen, etc.. "Save to Evernote" never puts it in the right "Note".


[Moderator: split this post from its original unrelated topic]

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From the sound of it, I believe apmiller is referring to the webclipper that's on the browser toolbar. If I'm correct, apmiller, the webclipper only allows you to clip information from different websites and add them directly into Evernote, it doesn't give you the ability to open evernote. Now when you are saying that it doesn't put what you clipped into the right Note, not sure why that would be happening unless you are doing something wrong. When you clip something, you should get the options to select from your existing notes list or create a new note. also you should be able to select the correct tag(s) for that new information. Now you didn't mention which browser you are currently using, however, if you are using Google Chrome, you can add the Evernote app directly to your chrome browser and it will allow you to click on the icon and log into your account in just a few clicks. Hope this helps.

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  • Level 5*

From the sound of it, I believe apmiller is referring to the webclipper that's on the browser toolbar.

I'm not seeing any "Clip Full Screen" option in either the Chrome or Firefox web clippers, so I'm kinda doubtful about that -- it's why I asked. But you could be right, so thanks.
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