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(Archived) Linking to Evernote from Numbers 09?

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I'd like to create a link between an Apple numbers 09 spreadsheet and a note in Evernote. Please note, I'm looking to create a hyperlink FROM the spreadsheet TO an Evernote note, not the other way around. :)


I've tried doing 'copy note link'. I can paste it into Text Edit, which works, but not into Numbers 09. In Numbers, the link appears but you can't click on it.


Any ideas?


Thank you in advance.



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  • Level 5*

Numbers 09 only seems to allow hyperlinks to 1) a website or 2) creating an email message. It doesn't seem to honor hyperlinks that open other applications, unfortunately. Typing the standard hyperlink formatting of =HYPERLINK("evernote:///view/link-note-blah-blah-blah", "Evernote Note Link") returns a "Hyperlink is invalid" response. Setting the hyperlink through the Inspector window also does not work - it creates a link that, as you said, is unclickable.

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