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(Archived) Open evernote discretely


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I wonder if there is a possibility to start Evernote discretely  or in a private modus on Windows. So that it opens without showing a note yet. Sometimes I've opened my pc on a big screen with others in a meeting and I want to look for something I posted in Evernote. So I have to start Evernote, but I don't want others to see notes that I've taken in other sessions because of the privacy aspect. 


Thanks for any help. 

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  • Level 5

Hi and welcome to the forums !


The easiest way to accomplish what you want is to change to Thumbnail View.

VIEW >> Thumbnail

or just hit Ctrl-F7.


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  • Level 5*

Wern, you'll still get a note displaying in the note panel.

Here's an alternative. Use the ENScript command-line program that's part of the Windows installation to bring up a some set of notes that is safe for work. For example, if you use a notebook for your work notes, say MyWorkNotebook, then you can run the command ENScript showNotes /q notebook:MyWorkNotebook to bring up that notebook. You can make a shortcut for this and use that, or use AutoHotKey to make a hotkey to do the same. For example, you can make a shortcut whose Target value is (literally, including quotes, but modulo location of ENScript.exe on your machine) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe" showNotes showNotes /q notebook:MyWorkNotebook

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Piggybacking off what jefito said, I think that Evernote usually opens up to the last note you read/edited or it opens to your default notebook. When I want to make sure that Evernote opens to a note I don't mind the whole world seeing, I make sure that I keep my default notebook pretty tidy so that when I startup, the only note visible is the "Welcome to Evernote" message, which is pretty harmless. If a note that you need for a meeting can be left in the default notebook, then only it and the welcome email would be visible. Or, if you organize your notes into notebooks by something like the company's name, you can search within that specific company's notebook instead of searching "All Notes" (which might bring up something in the search results that you don't want visible).

I also make notebook stacks so that I can easily minimize them, and I also minimize my saved searches and tags before exiting Evernote. The biggest thing for me is making sure that the sensitive notes are separated from the general ones, and things like notebooks and tags are minimized. That way, I am not constantly having to wonder if something that should have remained private becomes very visible when I open Evernote. If you are an Evernote Premium user, you can also encrypt text if a note includes something that you are responsible to keep confidential. This is what I do. A little bit of work on the front end will present a very bland, unimportant startup screen. But I feel your pain. I would cringe if I had to open Evernote on a big screen, but I use Evernote primarily for journaling.

I hope you find a solution that works for you.

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  • Level 5*

Note: the ENScript showNotes /q parameter is meant to be followed by a general Evernote search string, so you can identify one note via search (e.g. using a special tag), rather than bringing up a notebook. For example, create a tag named "Discrete"", and tag exactly one note with it. Now you can do ENScript showNotes /q tag:Discrete to bring up that note.


One other alternative is that you could bring up an empty note in a separate note window (i.e., with no Evernote main window UI showing), using the /NewNote parameter to the main Evernote program. That is, make a shortcut containing the folowing: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe" /NewNote

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