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(Archived) Tag Rules/Properties

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In EN v2, there was the very convenient ability to automatically remove one tag/category when assigning another.

e.g. when I drag an item with a "To-Do" tag/category to my "Done" tag/category, I was able to have the "To-do" tag/category automatically removed. This was done in the properties dialogue for the "Done" tag/category.

This would be great to see reinstated as there are no doubt many instances where an active item would be moved to a "Done" or 'completed' tag, and it would save having to manually remove the previously active tag associated with it (which is a step that could be easily overlooked).

There was also the ability to change the tag font format (bold, italic etc) and also it's colour. Having this option would be a great way to continue to visually organise tags.



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