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(Archived) PC Client->Note Preview Window=Any way to make it read only?

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Hey guys.  I will often use the note preview area to copy text out of and paste it elsewhere.  However since the preview window allows for editing directly, the possibility of a errant keystroke to delete/edit/ruin the text is very real.


Is there a way to set the note and/or preview window (preferred) to read only?  


Or, if not, how does one revert back to before the keystroke ruined everything?  Is there a better way than the windows "undo"?


Thanks for your time!


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  • Level 5*

Usually Undo is the way to undo things in Windows. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to always work in Evernote.


There's no way to lock your notes as read-only in the Evernote UI. Technically speaking, it can be done, as notes generated by Evernote Food and Evernote Hello (for example) cannot be edited in the Evernote UI.

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Thanks for the reply Jeff.  Is there somewhere I can submit a feature request for this?  Something like an Options->Reading preview->Read only checkbox?  This would increase the usefulness of Evernote for me 10x.

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  • Level 5*

All posts are read by Evernote staff, and this is not an uncommon request, you you can be sure it's already on the list of feature requests.

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