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(Archived) Backup Folder Structure and Notes

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Does anyone know if I can backup all Folders and Notes and then be able to restore them having the same structure? Presently when I am backing up and when I do a restore all the notes appear in one Folder instead of the several that I created.

What platform & how are you doing your backup/restore? Sounds like you're exporting/importing, rather than backing up/restoring.
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Using the free version 4.6.1 7860. Yes, did the export and then import. I set up another account to test this. Thanks-

Please search the board on backup & restore as this has been discussed a lot already. Exporting is not the best way to backup your database. Exporting is more suited to moving notes from one EN account to another & *does* put all the notes from the enex file into one notebook. Using a true backup/restore method retains the notes in the proper notebook.

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  • Level 5*

With the ENScript.exe command-line program (included as part of an Evernote installation), you might be able to put this all together into a backup regimen:


* Use ENScript to list your notebooks, using the /listNotebooks comand: this lists your notebooks to the console:


ENScript listNotebooks


* For each notebook in the list, use the ENScript exportNotes command in conjunction with the /q <query> option to export the notes to a .ENEX file that has the same name as the notebook, e.g. :


ENScript exportNotes /q notebook:MyNotebook /f MyNotebook.enex


* To move the notes back into Evernote, you'd use the importNotes command, e.g.:


ENScript importNotes /s MyNotebook.enex /n MyNotebook


This is just a basic outline of how you might go about things. You'd need to figure out how to pull apart the generated notebook list so that you can generate separate "ENScript exportNotes" commands for each notebook, and on the other end, generate separate "ENScript importNotes" commands for each .ENEX file that you've saved. Not sure how much the standard Windows Command program makes this task easier, you might find more helpful tools in the PowerShell.

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