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(Archived) copy shared members of a notebook to another

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is it possible (not through gmail contacts) to copy emailadresses of members who i share a notebook with to a new notebook that i also want to share with the same people. now i have to type in every single emailadres again. When it is one emailadres it is no problem but when there are more it's annoying.






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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Welcome to the forums.  There's no option for this,  but the workaround isn't too horrible..

  • Go through the share dialogue window on a notebook you have already shared. 
  • Copy/ paste the email addresses listed to a text editor like Windows Notepad. 
  • Clean up unnecessary text and line breaks and insert commas*. 
  • Save the cleaned list to another note so you don't have to do this again. 
  • Copy/ paste into share dialogue of new notebook.

* Depending on your word-processor-fu,  find and replace commands can do this faster if you have a lot of addresses.

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