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(Archived) Limiting online storage: optional unsynced notebooks

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Another way to control online storage amount, and syncing bandwidth, would be an option to have local-only notebooks. It would be great in the local EN client (Windows etc) to select, on a per-notebook basis, whether it syncs to online storage, or just remains local, not contributing to our storage limit. And, in fact, I think that option would also fit logically with how many of us want to control our content: some of it we want available everywhere, some of it just at certain locations (work, home, etc).

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When you create a new notebook, you get an option to make it a normal (synchronized) notebook, or a local-only notebook, just like you describe.

With local-only notebooks, you obviously can't access your content from any other computer, and you don't have a backup on our servers in case of a local hard drive problem, so we'd recommend that you be careful if you go this direction to provide alternate means of backup. We obviously think that if you're just doing this to stay under the 40MB monthly upload allowance, the better solution would be to just pay the $5/month for a Premium subscription so that all of your data is available and backed up. ;-)

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