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(Archived) Note Format

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I am new to Evernote 3 and trying to "learn". 1) The tutorial videos dont play for me (IE 6.0.29). 2) How do I format a Note (any Note) to look/act like the default example note that comes with EN 3? This note is formatted in columns and allows for pasting of images and text into the columns? and 3) Can I dictate the order of Notes when merging? It seems to treat the most recently added Note as dominant; which means I would have to clip a multi page web article from last to first if I then want to merge it to one Note in its original order...correct?

Any help would be appreciated. Tks

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The "welcome" note includes formatting that is a bit more precise than you can get from the desktop clients. In particular, the Windows client doesn't have a native way to create HTML tables within the client (yet), but you can edit them elsewhere and then paste them in to Evernote.

The notes will be merged in the order that they are displayed on the list.


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  • 2 months later...
The notes will be merged in the order that they are displayed on the list.

Please Please Please make it so you can change the order before the merge is completed. Perhaps a window showing the order in which the notes will appear and giving you the option to drag them into the correct order could be implemented. In almost all cases, the way my notes are created is the opposite (for example, "process" notes containing 'step 1', 'step 2', etc) of how I want them combined.

I've figured out a temporary workaround, but it is cumbersome and time-consuming at best.

Still, being able to merge notes at all is a step in the right direction.


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(for example, "process" notes containing 'step 1', 'step 2', etc)

This tells me you're either:

a) Creating notes in reverse order, i.e., you create Step 2 and then create Step 1

:( Have your note list sorted in reverse-chronological order - i.e., oldest note is at the bottom.

I keep my notes sorted by creation date, so the newest note is always on the bottom. When I'm doing walkthroughs, I do it a natural order, pasting as I go. Then, I just merge the last x notes - they're in exactly the right order.

If you're doing b - you could just sort your notes chronologically just before you merge them.

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  • 2 months later...

strangely i can confirm that merge notes order is dependent on how the notes appear in the list starting at the top. if you use 'reverse note order' to do that then they will merge in that order so it does not depend on note data, dates, etc. nice way to do it but if you need to do more than that to move notes around then you will have to be more creative i guess.

i say strangely because the last time i tried this it did not seem to work.

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