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REQUEST: Tag Notes with a "Star"


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I think it would be cool if the folks at EN added a feature that would let you "star" your notes. This feature could be something you'd be able to turn on or off within the preferences.


If it's turned off Evernote would behave exactly as it does today. If toggled on, it would let you toggle a little yellow star within the note, similar to the way you can star notes in iOS. 


My reason for this feature is the fact that despite my best efforts at organizing my notes, I still have a few slip through the cracks. Starring some notes would:


1) help them stand out in the list/snippet view 

2) give me a way to search for a group of all my "don't forget about this" kind of notes.


I know I could do something similar with tags but having a little gold star appear with my important notes would be more noticeable IMO.


Just a thought.


This could apply to any of the desktop apps.

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I think it would be cool if the folks at EN added a feature that would let you "star" your notes. This feature could be something you'd be able to turn on or off within the preferences.


If it's turned off Evernote would behave exactly as it does today. If toggled on, it would let you toggle a little yellow star within the note, similar to the way you can star notes in iOS. 


My reason for this feature is the fact that despite my best efforts at organizing my notes, I still have a few slip through the cracks. Starring some notes would:


1) help them stand out in the list/snippet view 

2) give me a way to search for a group of all my "don't forget about this" kind of notes.


I know I could do something similar with tags but having a little gold star appear with my important notes would be more noticeable IMO.


Just a thought.


This could apply to any of the desktop apps.






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