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(Archived) PDF file rotating when sent to Evernote

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Hi all,

First post here but have referenced the forum frequently to find solutions to my issues as they pop up. However, I couldn't find any info on the problem that developed today. I sent a PDF to Evernote and it rotated the entire PDF to landscape view. The source PDF was in portrait view. I did manage to find a work around by opening the PDF in Preview and selecting all and rotating. Evernote then changed to portrait view but it's kind of a pain. Any ideas why this is happening or how I'd avoid it?


Macbook Pro  OSX 10.7.5

Evernote premium Version 5.0.5 (400808)


Here's a link to the PDF


As a side note... It seems I read somewhere that Evernote stores both the original and modified versions of the PDF if you don't create a new note and delete the original, doubling the storage needed for the document. Is this the case? When I edited the PDF in Preview it automagicly changed it in Evernote. If the original still exists where do I delete it? What is the proper procedure here?


Thanks for any help, Chris

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  • Level 5*

Hi PG,  welcome to the forums.  You say you 'sent' a PDF to Evernote:  was this a clip,  an attachment,  or what?  Don't think this has issue been reported here before.


Looking at the actual PDF,  it's a landscape document but the downloaded file comes with portrait print settings - and a built-in script to engage full screen when displayed.  I'd say your problem is with this file rather than Evernote.  Try another file and see if that behaves!

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Hi PG,  welcome to the forums.  You say you 'sent' a PDF to Evernote:  was this a clip,  an attachment,  or what?  Don't think this has issue been reported here before.


Looking at the actual PDF,  it's a landscape document but the downloaded file comes with portrait print settings - and a built-in script to engage full screen when displayed.  I'd say your problem is with this file rather than Evernote.  Try another file and see if that behaves!

I opened the PDF and then sent to Evernote via the print dialogue box. How would I tell that the original is a landscape document? I guess I just assumed that if I was viewing it in portrait view that's the way it would be sent to Evernote. What you're saying makes sense, this doesn't happen all the time with PDF files just occationally.


Thanks for the info, Chris

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