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(Archived) Searching Account Numbers

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I want to scan a stack of bank deposit/withdraw receipts from 2 different banks, from multiple accounts.   Once scanned (ScanSnap 1500), i would like to search by account number and organize.


Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to get EN to search the numbers correctly.


One bank will give the number as:  ************5555

Another bank will just use: 5555


It would appear to this newby, that searching numbers is a challenge.  


I would appreciate any guidance the forum can provide.  PDF or JPG, for example.  Thank you.



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Hi and welcome to the forum,

What you need to do is scan in by account then tag all the relevant docs with that account name or number. This way, it will be a simple task to only bring up details of that specific account from the 'tags' list.

If you need to search use quotation marks:




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Thank you, Chris.


That is the solution I ended up following.  I am pre-sorting, then scanning as groups.


The interesting thing, however, is all the receipts are TEMPLATES....same basic information in the same spots.  When I do scan and search, Evernote can discern the numbers on some of the receipts but not all, even though they all look alike.


Thanks again for the friendly and timely response.



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Hi Glad it is starting to come together.


Make sure your scanner is set up correctly so it will do OCR (optical character recognition) when it imports to Evernote.


You need a premium account to use OCR.


Remember that for the document to be 'searchable' it has to go up to the 'Evernote Cloud' and back down. So leave it a while before you do a search and it will probably be fine.


Best regards




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I want to scan a stack of bank deposit/withdraw receipts from 2 different banks, from multiple accounts.   Once scanned (ScanSnap 1500), i would like to search by account number and organize.


Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how to get EN to search the numbers correctly.


One bank will give the number as:  ************5555

Another bank will just use: 5555


It would appear to this newby, that searching numbers is a challenge.  


I would appreciate any guidance the forum can provide.  PDF or JPG, for example.  Thank you.


FYI, I prefer to only store sensitive information in local/non-synced notebooks, since the data on the EN servers is not encrypted.  Please search the board on security and/or encryption, should you want more info, since this has been discussed at great length already.

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