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(Archived) Hyperlink Help? Outlook contacts

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I use EN with my outlook by titling the note with name in my outlook contacts. Then in the note section of the outlook contact I paste the hyperlink at the top of the notes section. Now when I open Outlook I can quickly goto the contact and scribe my communication...meeting..phone call etc in EN and the info will be across all platforms. However here is the issue.

When I look at my contact on my iphone it shows the hyperlink address and not a working link.

how do I accomplish this so its a clickable link on the iphone. Or is there a better way to set up this.

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  • Level 5*
When I look at my contact on my iphone it shows the hyperlink address and not a working link.

When you look in Evernote? URL's in Evernote are converted into links, even when entered on the mobile (or at least this works in Android..)

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Hi All, I use evernote to gather info, scans etc into a GTD folder containing subfolders (e.g. 'Inbox', 'For Action,). I would like to create a link in the text box of my MS outlook tasks that opens the relevant note. Anyone know how to do this?


DMc :)

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  • Level 5*

As long as you're using a desktop, and the same computer runs your Evernote client and database, right-click a note and choose ~Copy Note Link. Paste this into Outlook and it should work. If you're on a different computer, choose ~Share and ~Copy Note URL. NB your note is then open to anyone with that URL. You're the only one with that information, but if someone else gets the link... Not a major security issue, but just so you know.

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