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(Archived) Evernote Guides in Evernote Notebooks?

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I like to keep offline versions of the Evernote user guides, and previously did that by storing the PDF versions of the EN User Guide(s).

However, it strikes me as odd that these documents arent available AS NOTEBOOKS. Wouldnt it make sense for these to be made available in this format? Then people could access EN documentation as a nice shared, searchable, notebook.

Anyone else think this is a good idea?


  • Level 5*

Hi - interesting suggestion, and worth following up at some stage; but currently the user guides are notoriously erratic in keeping up with all the new versions and new features. Plus I want to use as little overhead as possible in dealing with my own notes and I'd refer to the user guides only occasionally if at all. I can see where a new user would find that helpful though. +1


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