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Evernote won't sync from pc to phone..

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I created several different folders and usergroups on my computer, added a few notes then I sync on my phone and it doesn't update the folders I deleted nor upload the notes I added on my computer..

What am I doing wrong? I'm hitting the sync button on my phone but nothin'. I don't see a sync button on the windows app. I have a samsung galaxy s2.

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  • Level 5*

The Windows client has a very prominent Sync button on the top of the display, in the toolbar, just to the right of the menu. Are you sure that you're not talking about the web client that you open in your browser? hat has no Sync button because it's directly connected to the Evernote servers.

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What does that mean "The Windows client has a very prominent Sync button on the top of the display, in the toolbar, just to the right of the menu. Are you sure that you're not talking about the web client that you open in your browser? hat has no Sync button because it's directly connected to the Evernote servers." I can't see a sync button either!

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  • Level 5*

The original poster claimed that "I don't see a sync button on the windows app". The native Windows Evernote client has a very prominent Sync button, so I'would be surprised if they were using that. On the other hand, the Evernote web application (that you run in your browser) does not have a Sync button. I was trying to determine which of these two they are using.

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so I have a Sony Reader, a Samsung Galaxy 2 and my Windows. So they all should sync automatically together when I make changes to a note on one or the other? Is it just me, or is all of this quite confusing.

If you're going to be switching between computers and/or devices, it's crucial to understand how the Evernote syncs. It does not utilize push technology.

It's very simple. The EN servers (IE web client) are the "source of all truths." Any changes made on one device need to be sync'd up to the EN servers before those changes are accessible from the web client or any other device/computer. If you make any changes with the web client, you are changing the EN servers directly, so no sync (up) is involved. Any changes made to the EN servers need to be sync'd down to any other computer/device before they are accessible from that device/computer.

If you create/modify a note on a desktop/laptop & then shut down w/o it getting sync'd to the EN servers, that note will not show up on the web client or be sync'd down to any other devices/computers UNTIL, you then start up the desktop/laptop & have EN running long enough to do an auto sync or you force a sync. The best way around this is to manually sync the laptop/desktop if you're going to be using another computer/device before the next auto sync or are shutting that computer down/hibernating/etc.

I don't know about all mobile clients, but AFAIK, the iPhone client only syncs when you first start the program or make a change/add a note. (It tells you it's sync'ing.) So if you make a change on a desktop but it's not sync'd to the EN servers yet, then start the iPhone client, the desktop changes will not sync down to the iPhone. If you remain in the iPhone client while the desktop sync's the changes up, you would need to manually sync the iPhone client to get the changes down to the iPhone.

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  • 1 year later...

I have pressed the 'SYNC" button on both my phone and my pc but nothing syncs from my pc to the phone.  The SYNC icon on my pc spins for pnly a second and then stops.  Evernote says that syncronization is complete but no information transfers.

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Do you undertand that you are not syncing from device to device? Your are syncing to the Evernote (EN) Servers. In other words to EN Cloud as they are a cloud service.

▶ Manually Sync DOWN from the servers as soon as your open EN on either your phone or computer. This will access the latest version of your EN database that was successfully Synced to the Servers.

▶ Manually Sync UP to the Servers after you have finished working in EN - again, on either device - and this will send the latest version back to the Servers.

I have pressed the 'SYNC" button on both my phone and my pc but nothing syncs from my pc to the phone. The SYNC icon on my pc spins for pnly a second and then stops. Evernote says that syncronization is complete but no information transfers.

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