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(Archived) Platform UI Integration

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I have been using Evernote to sync files between my Windows and Mac PCs. The interface is similar, but there are quite a number of differences between the Mac and Windows versions. It seems that in general, the Mac version is further developed: it's easier to preview notes in mixed and thumbnail views; you can easily change fonts, styles and text alignment; there's an iSight Note; etc.

Is there any work being done to add many of these features to the Windows version to make the two more alike? Being able to sync files between the two is great, but when it comes to usability and manipulating the data, the Mac version seems to be more robust, making the Windows version look a bit of a pain to use comparatively.

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We're working towards more common UI metaphors in both clients. Things like thumbnails, in particular, will go into Windows. This is just a lot more work on Windows than on Mac, where OS X gives programmers native handling of things like PDFs, etc.

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How can I get the same columns in the Mac version (eg Tags) as I can get in the PC version? I'm referring to List View....

I have tagged several notes that I want at the top, and have the PC version sorted on that column. But I can't do that on the Mac......

In reference to the posts above, it is usually the Mac version that leads the way. But this is one area where the PC has something that the Mac doesn't.

Thanks again for a great app - FBT (Fan-Bloody-Tastic) as we say here Down Under :shock:

Pete, Brisbane, Australia.


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