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Is there a short cut for the 'click to add tag...' dialog


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The quickest tagging dialog in Evernote that I found, is the one on a new note at the top that says 'click to add tag...'. I really appreciate its type ahead feature.

Is there a keyboard shortcut for that specific dialog box?

I find having to click to use it unhandy, especially if you need to add more tags than can be shown in the top bar... then you have to click twice for each new tag entry.

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  • Level 5

After you open the note, or just select it in the Note Panel press:

F3 to add an existing tag or create a new tag


Ctrl + Alt + T to either add existing tags or create a new tag


Ctrl + Shift + T to create a new tag

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

I think there is something wrong in Evernote. If you want to add a tag it is extremely unlogical, you have to use one of the above mentioned solutions, but why does the tag icon just not work.


In the top bar of a note is the name of your notebook, the Tag icon, reminder, share, info and delete. All icons are clickable, but Tag not. So adding simply a tag to a note is getting very frustrating...


Any idea as I don't like the options above.

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  • Level 5*

But I just have found out, if the window for Evernote is not width enough, the text is gone and you can't click on the tag. So I had to make the application bigger in screen.

Yeah, I think that that's a problem. Making the icon clickable would be a nice touch, since it's always visible.
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