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(Archived) When does Gift Premium Status start?

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Hi Everybody,

I have searched through the whole site but I just couldn't get any answer for my question B)

I want to give a 1 yr premium subscription to someone as a gift. Since I want to give it to this person for Xmas and I won't be able to access a Mac on this day I'd like to know if I can have the gift start on a specific date?

Any help is highly appreciated :)

Best regards,


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When you give a gift, the recipient receives information that they can use to redeem their Premium subscription whenever they want. So the subscription doesn't start until they choose to activate their gift.

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They will receive the gift email immediately when you fill out the form, so I think the only way to deliver it on a specific day would be to send it on that day.

You'll receive a copy of the email that is sent to them, as well.

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