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(Archived) How to search and switch note by typing keyword?

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I love evernote, it's very helpful for me!

Since I have multiple notes, I'm hoping a feature that can allow me typing keyword and automatically search note by note title and show me the matched note list, then I can select one note in that list, and directly switch to that note.



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Hello Chiqing Zhang,

You can search by note title using the "intitle" operator. For example the following search will search for notes with "ghost driver" in the title:

intitle:"ghost driver"

The following search will search for notes that don't have "ghost driver" in the title:

-intitle:"ghost driver"

The following search will search for notes that have "ghost driver" in the title but will leave out notes that have "marketing" in the title:

intitle:"ghost driver" -intitle:marketing

The double quotes are only necessary when you have multiple word search terms. The minus sign tells Evernote to exclude/filter the given search term.

If you want to find notes that must have "ghost driver" AND "apple" in the title you would enter:

intitle:"ghost driver" intitle:apple

However, if you want to find notes that have "ghost driver" OR "apple" in the title you would add the keyword any: to the beginning of the query:

any: intitle:"ghost driver" intitle:apple

Without the any: keyword all search terms that you enter must be satisfied (Match ALL). With the any: keyword at least one search term must be satisfied but that is sufficient for a note to be included in the search results.

-- roschler

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