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Sending to Google Calendar

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On my Android phone, when I am working in apps like Pulse, Flipboard or Evernote, I can click on an email/app sharing button to send the article or note to another app such as Gmail, Evernote, Dropbox, Google+, Messaging or many other apps. I use this to send a lot of articles from Pulse or Flipboard to Evernote for example.

What I am missing is a way to send the article/note to Google Calendar or to an app that will sync with Google Calendar. I would like it if Google Calendar was one of the apps I could choose and then I could enter a due date and time. So I could click on an Evernote note and just send it to Google Calendar.

Does anyone know of a way or app that can do this?

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  • Level 5*

There are apps that combine Google Calendar and Evernote and speak Android - see Meshin Calendar for one. I think even there though you have to set up the appointment in Meshin Calendar, which will sync with Google, rather than setting up something in Google or sending an event direct. If you're a GTD person there's also the (rather more immersive) IQTell currently running a beta programme.

Edit: Doh. Setting up my next appointment here just reminded me - not directly an Android solution, but I use Outlook 2007 to set up my Evernote/ Google Calendar events. Outlook syncs with Google Calendar (via a Google script) and I use the outlook clipper to put the suitably-headed note into my 'to do' notebook which is set for offline searches on the Android.

To do something similar from the Android end you could (maybe) use Outlook rules to put appointment emails into a mail folder and process them later, or (even more maybe) use rules to set up appointments...?

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While there are apps that claim to combine Evernote and a calendar, they don't in the way I want. Quite simply, I want to click on an Evernote note and share it to a calendar. Meshin just lets me go to Evernote from within their system but not the reverse.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I installed Evernote today hoping to replace the app Tasks which is a great app for creating Google tasks. Evernote does not replace this app but you can share Evernote directly with tasks which links directly to Google calendar.it is less than ideal, but may be the solution for many users.

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  • Level 5*

... you can share Evernote directly with tasks which links directly to Google calendar ...

Sound good - I found Tasks Free from Team Tasks. Is that the one you have in mind? Installing as we speak - not sure I need a 'to do' list, but always interested in options...

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Do you want to actually import the list or note in to your Google calendar not just link to it? I don't think it can do that. Your Google calendar will open Evernote I guess. I only installed Evernote today and was hoping I could use it instead of tasks, it never occurred to me I would have to use them together and I haven't had time to really explore how they will all work together in different environments.

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  • Level 5*

Still playing here, but for information 'share' works both ways - tasks to Evernote and Evernote to tasks, although in both cases you need a process hung around this to actually do something useful. My current trial is to use tasks to set up events and manage due dates, then share across to Evernote to document the details as the task progresses. Not elegant, but workable.

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Still playing here, but for information 'share' works both ways - tasks to Evernote and Evernote to tasks, although in both cases you need a process hung around this to actually do something useful. My current trial is to use tasks to set up events and manage due dates, then share across to Evernote to document the details as the task progresses. Not elegant, but workable.

If you can better explain how exactly you are doing this when you get it figured it out that would be great. I've only been accessing the mobile version of this forum and it is a terrible format, but if at all possible even just posting a few screen shots and notes would probably be a huge help.

(Edit ) I just accessed the full site and I see files can be attached

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  • Level 5*

Just tried on my Galaxy S2 -

  • Open Evernote
  • Select Note (don't edit it, just view)
  • Choose 'sharing' icon from toolbar
  • Scroll down to Tasks and tap
  • Tasks window opens with new task and note URL - add/ change title, date etc and close

From Tasks

  • find task list
  • select list
  • open menu and choose 'share task list'
  • choose Evernote - create note
  • you're then into an Evernote note edit page. There are no check boxes in this note unless you add them though...

So. You can set up a task in one or the other - whichever proves most convenient at any given time. From Evernote you can set up a reminder in Tasks, and from Tasks you can dump a whole list into Evernote so that your records in Evernote are complete. Still would like something integrated and more elegant, but it gives me a way to set an alarm for some notes, which is good.

Sorry for the lack of actual screen shots - my Galaxy seems to be on strike in that regard...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

If you dont' mind 3rd party service, I am currently using Zapier, lowest plan is currently free.  You man google for it, but in short, it will scan your Evernote every 15 mintues and automatically post on to Google calendar (also email, tweeter, etc.  I haven't explored all features yet) .  In my case, I set up * (asterisk) as a filter, and when I put note title as "See doctor * May 15th 5pm", Zapier will find the asterisk, and copy that note on to your Google calendar, in which will notify / alarm on android phone.  Nothing else has to do, just add a note with * and that's it.

As a part of their refer-a-friend bonus, if you signup via following link.   You and me get extra 100 free notifications per month.



Hope this helps.

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Zap looks to me to be IFTTT but very limited unless you pay a lot of money per month.


Please correct me if I am wrong, but I cannot see anything different.


Best regards



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  • Level 5*

Zapier is definitely a similar service, but it appears to have some Evernote features that IFTTT doesn't, for example, triggering on creating a new note in a specific notebook or when other filtering criteria are met. I also found it a bit easier to work with, and since I only have limited needs, the free version works fine for me.

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  • Level 5*

@Pumin - thanks for the Zapier tip: just looking to create my first link - but all I see on offer under Evernote is "when a new note is created"..  where do you enter your "*" ?

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Hello Gaz,


Sorry for late reply, you probably figure out already.  However, here is my screenshot of Zapier setting.





then I put * in any note titles, such as


see doctor * next friday
see doctor * next friday 5.15pm
see doctor * next friday 5.15pm-5.20pm
see doctor * june 1st 5pm

see doctor * 06/15/2013

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there,


At CloudWork we offer an integration that sends notes from a specific notebook to a Google Calendar, you can check it out here: http://bit.ly/108gxCw. There is a blog post associated on how to write a title on the note which will set up the correct time and place on Google Calendar: http://blog.cloudwork.com/google-calendar-evernote-integration/. Hope this helps! Any opinions on how to make it better are greatly appreciated.

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I use Calengoo as the calendar app on my phone and table. It provides a bit more functionality than Google Calendar but interfaces with it perfectly. Calengoo is on the share list for Evernote, Springpad and many others. Works great!

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  • 3 months later...

@Arch - What do you mean by ". . . is on the share list. . "  I looked at the Calengoo site and can't figure out how it integrates with EN.  I'm looking for a way to create notes in EN and then have them populate on my gCal.  I know about the Zappier, Cloudwork, etc options but looking still.   


@minko - I'm wanting a solution that doesn't require me to limit my notes locations to a specific notebook.

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Hi there,


At CloudWork we offer an integration that sends notes from a specific notebook to a Google Calendar, you can check it out here: http://bit.ly/108gxCw. There is a blog post associated on how to write a title on the note which will set up the correct time and place on Google Calendar: http://blog.cloudwork.com/google-calendar-evernote-integration/. Hope this helps! Any opinions on how to make it better are greatly appreciated.


I've just signed onto this, and only need a free account for my personal stuff.  it seems to work pretty flawlessly.  Nice service.

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  • 8 months later...


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