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(Archived) iPhone "To Do" Checkbox sync problem?

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I'm having a problem with checkboxes in EN on my iPhone. I've created a number of lists in desktop (Windows) EN and want to be able to update them (by checking/unchecking items) on my iPhone. I can see and check/uncheck the boxes ok on my iPhone but whenever i hit sync they all immediately revert back to the status they had coming from the desktop (original checked/unchecked status). Painful. Little help?

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I also had some issues with the Mac client.

I have two feedbacks concerning To Dos on the iPhone:

- ToDo checkboxes sometimes lag (when checked/unchecked) on the iPhone and are hard to hit sometimes (very small). Is there a way to make them bigger ? More generally, a landscape view mode would probably solve this problem for Notes.

- Is there any way to make ToDo lists editable on the iPhone in a future version ? ToDo lists do not count as plain text so they are not editable, unfortunately. Adding or editing To Dos would make Evernote perfect, eg. for shopping lists or simple GTD (Gettings Things Done) usage.

PS: I tried this on the most recent version (1.5) on a iPhone 3G.

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I'm having a hard time reproducing this problem. It appears that if I change a checkbox on a note on the iPhone, it changes state on the server immediately. This then syncs to the different clients.

Could you clarify what you're doing when you "hit sync" on the iPhone? Which UI option are you performing?


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Dave - I open EverNote on my iPhone (3g 2.2), select the note with checkboxes (mine happens to be a packing list for an upcoming trip), check a box or three, and then when i hit the update "swirl" in the bottom left of the app; it churns for a moment then resets (clears) all perviously ticked checkboxes on the screen. I can confirm that not only are they cleared here but they are not updated on the web or Windows desktop version either.

Does that help?

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Pushing the swirl button in the corner says "I think my local copy of this note is out of date, please get the latest one from the server." It isn't necessary to hit this to send ToDo checkbox updates to the server, but this shouldn't necessarily fail.

Do you get this same behavior if you are online at the time that you're doing this, and if you wait for a bit (e.g. 10 seconds) before hitting the "update" button at the bottom of the note?


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Interesting to know about the swirl button... So essentially i should just be checking the checkbox and then waiting for the app to sync back to the server on its own right? I did try checking a few, waiting 20s or so then hitting swirl and i have the same problem (cleared checkboxes). However, if i don't do anything, just check the boxes i want to check then head back to notes list (main part of iPhone EN app) and wait for the auto sync - it seems to work (everything syncs and stays persistent). Just need to train myself as it's in my nature to want to hit a "save" or "update now" (or whatever) button whever i make a host of changes to something somewhere.

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