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(Archived) Free Siri-like app to search Evernote, supports AND/OR logic at the same time


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As you say, your information is VERY outdated. I've have run Norton Internet Security (contains antivirus) for years, and it is fast since maybe 2008 version. I do not use Systemworks any more for several years, nor do I use the utilities.

I buy form Fry's online during a special, send in a couple of rebates, and it ends up they pay me 1 cent to run Norton In Iternet Security, any version I want on 3 machines. The codes can be used for renewal. I'm good for several years. My sister and brother use it, too.

Anyway, why did we start reviewing one of the most widely used security software packages? Tried helping these people get around their problem?

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Anyway, why did we start reviewing one of the most widely used security software packages? Tried helping these people get around their problem?

What problem? The issue regarding antivirus has been explained. AV programs are renowned for blocking legitimate apps. Which is not to say they shouldn't be used. Instead that they are fallible. I have encountered this before with many other apps that have been recommended by trusted users from trusted web sites. If you choose not to install it b/c your av gives you a warning & in spite of the given explanation by a trusted member of this community, that's certainly your choice. But there's nothing to be " fixed" here.

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Well, if I wrote an app, and it was not allowed to be installed by a security system or for any other reason, I would try to find out why, and get around the "problem". If an app can't be installed by users that want to use it, surely it is a "problem".

I have noted many times that some who post on here, though I would have expected a forum to be for helping users, don't seem to have that in mind at all. For all you know, Symantec could easily "fix" the "problem".

If users can't downlolad and run an app, then I consider it a "problem" that might can be "fixed".

I am not surprised that you don't.

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  • Level 5*

As has already been pointed out -

  • the warning says (in effect) "I can't vouch for this software", not that there's a problem. It doesn't prevent someone installing it if they're otherwise satisfied the warning is mistaken.
  • we know why the warning is produced.
  • the answers so far seem reasonably helpful and supportive to me.
  • Symantec can easily 'fix' the problem - but they require an inordinate amount of information that is not practical for a developing app.
  • users can download and run an app as I have, without problems.
  • if you are concerned by the warnings, don't download the software!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Hello Everyone,


Some of you have had problems with dates being off by one day and a few of you have reported problems with BitQwik reporting an error concerning the date 2/29/2013.  Please download BitQwik since it solves these problems  You can download it here:



-- roschler
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  • 1 month later...

I'm running Evernote (current) and just downloaded BitQwik (current). It won't connect to Evernote. I get this error: "Login failed with an OLE Exception with the error code(8000FFFF) and message: Catastrophic failure. Correct Evernote DLL in use?"


Any ideas? (Do I have to try to revert to an earlier Evernote version?)


I'm running on a Windows XP virtual machine under VMware Fusion on Mac OS X.

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Hello everyone,


As some of you now know Evernote released version recently.  When a new version is released I have to update BitQwik to support it.  Normally this happens within 3 days of the new Evernote version release but I am buried with work at the moment and won't have time until May 21 to do this.  Until then, you have these options:


  • Upgrade to the new Evernote version but don't use BitQwik until it is updated
  • Don't upgrade to the new Evernote until I notify you that BitQwik has been updated
  • Revert to the previous Evernote version as detailed in @RichMintz's post above and wait for the update



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  • Level 5

The second option works very nicely with my current Evernote upgrade path. I am on version

I prefer to let other kind souls find the bugs and ask Evernote to fix them. I hold off on upgrades for at least 2 weeks, sometimes much longer depending on the user feedback on this forum. Due to the Windows Error 2732, I held off for 3 months on the recent set of upgrades.


By the way Robert, I enjoy your font selection in the forum. For my tired eyes, it is more legible than the default.

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  • 2 months later...



I'm trying to use the latest version of BitQwik (Version info: You are using the latest version: with Evernote but it seems to be incompatible.  Any idea when it'll be updated?


Thanks in advance,


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  • 1 month later...

I noticed Robert (roschler) hasn't been on the EN forum since May and that BitQwik hasn't been updated in quite a while.  He's just busy I hope!


Seeing as I'm currently unable to use BitQwik does anyone have any tips on how to reduce my tags, be it a manual workflow or otherwise.  I've got some tags that are only used once (or never) and some that have hundreds of items.  I'd like to weed out the unpopular ones and perhaps split the overused ones. If I had a tool which could quickly show me my tag distribution I'd be very glad indeed.

I've probably got 150 tags.  I have 3 notebooks.  Main, Travel (it's offline/sync'd with my phone), and Archive.


Thanks in advance,


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  • Level 5*

I'm in favour of Evernote doing something more to help tag management - I'm in the same state with hundreds of tags,  some of them used only once.  I moved on to something approximating some of my 'Vangelist colleagues' use of longer note names,  so now use tags more (when and if necessary) to help focus searches more accurately.  I do my curating of names and tags when I search,  with a view to focussing the hits I see.  You could try that as a low-impact tidying routine...

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I've also started using longer note titles (names).  I think I'll do as you mentioned and start modifying titles and culling or using more generic tags as I go on.  I don't want to spend days on end cleaning it up, but I don't mind doing it a bit at a time when I'm searching. 


One type of tag I do like is for my travels.  I can't remember who suggested it on here (maybe you Gazumped? ;) ) but I group all my travel notes for each trip with one tag like so:

tra-13-1-Scotland   (where the Scotland trip was in January 2013)

That's my favorite naming convention


I have another for my vehicles:

car-Ford150-Putt1234   (car-model-License Plate)


I need to figure out some more!


Thanks again for your prompt reply.



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  • Level 5*

Nope - can't take the credit for that.  one of my esteemed colleagues is the source (although it's too late in the UK for me to remember who - my brain went to bed already.  Sorry guys.)  I do recommend the steady maintenance approach to fixing your database though.  I've tried a 'big bang' approach before now and found myself altering titles and tags all over the place.. some of them back to the same content they started out with.  Information overload is easy to come by in those situations...

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  • Level 5*

It would certainly be interesting to see a coherent list if you're set on acquiring one,  but personally I'd rather try different approaches and see what works for me - I find by the time I appreciate what someone else is trying to get at and actually embed their process well enough to follow it,  I've often already decided it won't fit my particular workflows and have to start again.  I had a kind of a learning curve with Android apps when I started with a smartphone - I'd see the latest mapping / foody / car app reviewed and download it to try it out;  decide (in most cases) it actually wasn't any better than what I already used - or pen and paper - and uninstall the thing. Now I tend to ignore distractions and get on with what I want to do,  rather than perpetually investigating alternative ways to do it...

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Win7 BitQqik "Unable to login into Evernote

Login failed with OleException ec(8000ffff)

dll assumed is Evernote (or newer)

Qwik with EverNote (278917) Public

Error log is empty

Also running StickyNotes, click.to, MySMS, SoloWord, and Skitch.

Let me know anything else you need to help me.

Did Test Error Handling:

----------------- ERROR ------------------------
Exception class name: Exception
Exception error messge: (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised.
Sender name: cmdTestErrorHandling
Offending Note ID (if any): (none)
Stack trace: Exception - (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised. }
ClassName - Exception }
[0063D37D] mainSoftTagger.TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick (Line 3684, "mainSoftTagger.pas" + 1) + $11
[0045E0D2] Controls.TControl.Click (Line 4621, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $C
[00599364] zAnimate.TzColorBtn.Click (Line 3656, "zAnimate.pas" + 10) + $3
[0045E653] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 4757, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $33
[0045DEA7] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 4561, "Controls.pas" + 53) + $8
[00423432] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Line 3097, "classes.pas" + 1) + $7
[00436C1C] Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts (Line 4664, "Graphics.pas" + 12) + $5
[00464BE4] Controls.TWinControl.GetHandle (Line 7673, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $3
[00461957] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 6189, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $A
[00461B8E] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 6242, "Controls.pas" + 33) + $6
[00461760] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 6139, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $9
[0042E830] Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10563, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[00484D00] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 6696, "Forms.pas" + 13) + $4
[00484D47] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 6715, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $6
[00484FE2] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 6799, "Forms.pas" + 16) + $3
[00651548] BitQwik.BitQwik (Line 95, "" + 26) + $7


Thanks so much,


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Evernote broke BitQwik with their last release and every time I contact them for help they tell me they are too busy to look into it.  This has been going for months so I am out of options and obviously truly saddened by this.  Feel free to E-mail their tech support department and express  your opinion.  There's nothing I can do to work around it since it's a fundamental problem with the user authorization mechanism.


For the programmers out there the root cause of this is Evernote is going against Microsoft guidelines for their Windows COM API, the API BitQwik uses to integrate with Evernote.  COM doctrines mandate that you do not change old interface contracts when creating new versions.  That way old apps can still work with your API even if you add new calls or enhance existing calls like Evernote does with major new releases.  Evernote chooses to ignore this mandate and alter their original interface with every new version.  So every time they make a release I have to scramble for about 2 days to rewrite my side of the COM interface to be compatible, something I should not have to do in the first place.  However this time there is another problem that only they can fix.  My apologies but as I said, I need there help and I have been unable to get it despite repeated E-mails to them.


-- roschler

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  • Level 5*

Evernote broke BitQwik with their last release and every time I contact them for help they tell me they are too busy to look into it.  This has been going for months so I am out of options and obviously truly saddened by this.  Feel free to E-mail their tech support department and express  your opinion.  There's nothing I can do to work around it since it's a fundamental problem with the user authorization mechanism.


For the programmers out there the root cause of this is Evernote is going against Microsoft guidelines for their Windows COM API, the API BitQwik uses to integrate with Evernote.  COM doctrines mandate that you do not change old interface contracts when creating new versions.  That way old apps can still work with your API even if you add new calls or enhance existing calls like Evernote does with major new releases.  Evernote chooses to ignore this mandate and alter their original interface with every new version.  So every time they make a release I have to scramble for about 2 days to rewrite my side of the COM interface to be compatible, something I should not have to do in the first place.  However this time there is another problem that only they can fix.  My apologies but as I said, I need there help and I have been unable to get it despite repeated E-mails to them.


-- roschler


Very sorry to hear that - when it worked BitQwik was absolutlely awesome; if it's broken it's a problem,  and Evernote need to fix it.  Any observations from the herd would be welcome at this point...

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Evernote development team member,


if you are reading this note, i am a premium evernote user who in order to enjoy the functionality of bitqwik has not upgraded (and it saddens me not to because of new functionality you've worked hard to implement). Would you please consider the possibility of developing in a consistent way that will allow loyal 3rd parties like roschler to continue to extend and enrich the evernote community.

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To The Evernote Team,

     I am new to Evernote.  I started using since I came across it many times.  I am starting a management consulting service focused on process improvement.  I am looking for simple, effective management tools.  Evernote fits that bill.  You have put together a nice cadre to tools.  Bitqwik is just the type of tool to help non-techies find what they put together for project management - but forgot where.  I someone who is already using it and love tools that work well without complications, and plan to 'sell' those tools as part of my service I ask that whatever is needed to get Bitqwik working again is worked out with both parties.


Rory Griffin

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I'm also a software developer, I also work with COM APIs, and as roschler mentioned, an existing API must not be broken by an update.  New API methods should be impelemented instead. The only exception to this rule that I can think of is if there is a glaring security hole that needs patching.


Please, Get it sorted Evernote developers!

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  • Level 5*

I am not a software developer, although I have done a little application development within Access and Excel for my own interest (I also did a little PERL programming to handle some documents that needed to be posted on the web back in the day). However, I fully support the campaign to have Evernote fix what they broke and stop breaking it with every darn release. Alternatively, buy the full rights to Bitqwik and integrate it properly into the Evernote core code!

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  • Level 5

The BitQwik developer is awesome. Almost every request we submitted to him was implemented quickly.


Evernote should have the decency, at a minimum, to respond to his reasonable and repeated emails.

Why the cold shoulder?

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Hi folks,


We take great pains to ensure backwards compatibility on any API that we publicly document on dev.evernote.com. We have never publicly documented or promoted the Window's client's COM interface as a third party integration point specifically because we never intended to keep that interface stable over time. The COM interface was created for the internal use of the Windows client. We have been very clear about this with any developer who asked us about it. We're happy to allow developers to use the COM interface, but they do so at their own risk.


We do apologize for the difficulty with BitQwik. We're happy to work with the developer to try to resolve his issues, but we need to ask for your patience and understanding as we do so. The upcoming v5 version of Evernote for Windows is a major update, and the Windows development team has their hands full getting the product solidified and shipped.




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  • Level 5

Hi folks,


We take great pains to ensure backwards compatibility on any API that we publicly document on dev.evernote.com. We have never publicly documented or promoted the Window's client's COM interface as a third party integration point specifically because we never intended to keep that interface stable over time. The COM interface was created for the internal use of the Windows client. We have been very clear about this with any developer who asked us about it. We're happy to allow developers to use the COM interface, but they do so at their own risk.


We do apologize for the difficulty with BitQwik. We're happy to work with the developer to try to resolve his issues, but we need to ask for your patience and understanding as we do so. The upcoming v5 version of Evernote for Windows is a major update, and the Windows development team has their hands full getting the product solidified and shipped.





Thank you for the reply and explanation.


This post could have been avoided with a brief email to the BitQwik developer.


Seth - I just found out that I misunderstood the circumstances. It seems that you did respond. I apologize for coming on too strong.

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  • Level 5*

Hi folks,


We take great pains to ensure backwards compatibility on any API that we publicly document on dev.evernote.com. We have never publicly documented or promoted the Window's client's COM interface as a third party integration point specifically because we never intended to keep that interface stable over time. The COM interface was created for the internal use of the Windows client. We have been very clear about this with any developer who asked us about it. We're happy to allow developers to use the COM interface, but they do so at their own risk.


We do apologize for the difficulty with BitQwik. We're happy to work with the developer to try to resolve his issues, but we need to ask for your patience and understanding as we do so. The upcoming v5 version of Evernote for Windows is a major update, and the Windows development team has their hands full getting the product solidified and shipped.





I understood most of those words, but not necessarily the order in which they arrived..  anyway BitQwik 3.00 anyone? 

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Hi folks,


We take great pains to ensure backwards compatibility on any API that we publicly document on dev.evernote.com. We have never publicly documented or promoted the Window's client's COM interface as a third party integration point specifically because we never intended to keep that interface stable over time. The COM interface was created for the internal use of the Windows client. We have been very clear about this with any developer who asked us about it. We're happy to allow developers to use the COM interface, but they do so at their own risk.


We do apologize for the difficulty with BitQwik. We're happy to work with the developer to try to resolve his issues, but we need to ask for your patience and understanding as we do so. The upcoming v5 version of Evernote for Windows is a major update, and the Windows development team has their hands full getting the product solidified and shipped.





Hello Seth,


Thank you for your replying.  I do remember being told that the COM API was used internally by Evernote and that it was not widely publicized.  Obviously that carries the implication that there is some risk in using it  However, I do not remember being explicitly warned that it was likely to be invalidated completely at some time in the future.  In fact I felt, perhaps incorrectly,  that since it was used internally by your Windows developer staff for your own products its longevity was assured. To create an application that I wanted many users to become attached to, in the context of an interface that was not likely to continue, would be irresponsible and I care about my users as much as you do yours. I know this because I am one of them.


>> because we never intended to keep that interface stable over time. 


In either case it never entered my mind that your developers would go against the primary guideline Microsoft dictates about COM interfaces:




From that web page:


"Interface Design Rules

By definition, an object is not a COM object unless it implements either the IUnknown interface or an interface that is derived from IUnknown. In addition, the following rules apply to all interfaces implemented on a COM object:

  • They must have a unique interface identifier (IID).
  • They must be immutable. Once they are created and published, no part of their definition may change."

This is why I did not have any concerns about my application breaking due to changes in your COM API.  Apparently I was wrong because the changes you make periodically to your COM API alter  the declared interfaces and therefore render BitQwik inoperable until I rewrite my code, except this time a rewrite wasn't enough and I need your help.  It's been months now so I felt it was only fair to my users to tell them that what the true nature of the problem is/was.  I understand that you see it differently.  That, since the COM API is primarily intended for internal use you feel free to change it at any time, as is your prerogative.  But as I just said,  I never thought you'd go against common knowledge for what constitutes the design of a proper COM interface.


** To my users.  I am sorry for the current state affairs.  Hopefully you can see from what I have said above that I believed I was on safe ground when I created BitQwik.  Any hope for a new BitQwik rests in Evernote hands and is out of my control.




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  • 2 months later...

Can anyone out there tell me if Bitwik supports evernote 5? I am running the latest version of both apps and am getting an error message upon opening bit qwik -

see below:





// ============== START ERROR REPORT for BitQwik Version( ==================
// --------- Evernote Information --------------
EXE Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe
Script Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe
Report date: 11/28/2013 11:13:09
// -------------- USER COMMENTS -------------------------------
// -------------- SEARCH FILTERS LIST -------------------------------
// -------------- INCLUDE WORDS -------------------------------
// -------------- EXCLUDE WORDS -------------------------------
// -------------- NATURAL LANGUAGE QUERY -------------------------------
Show me notes that contain the word Evernote.  Leave out notes I created this week.
// -------------- ACTUAL SEARCH QUERY -------------------------------
// -------------- MATCH STYLE (or = ANY, and = ALL) ------------------
Match style (logical connector): and
// -------------- QUERY (Last parse) -------------------------------
notes that have Hot Air's in the title
// -------------- QUERY (Curated) -------------------------------
// -------------- Selected Parser -------------------------------
// -------------- ERROR LOG -------------------------------
----------------- ERROR ------------------------
Exception class name: Exception
Exception error messge: (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised.
Sender name: cmdTestErrorHandling
Offending Note ID (if any): (none)
Stack trace: Exception - (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised. }
ClassName - Exception }
[0063D37D] mainSoftTagger.TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick (Line 3684, "mainSoftTagger.pas" + 1) + $11
[0045E0D2] Controls.TControl.Click (Line 4621, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $C
[00599364] zAnimate.TzColorBtn.Click (Line 3656, "zAnimate.pas" + 10) + $3
[0045E653] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 4757, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $33
[0045DEA7] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 4561, "Controls.pas" + 53) + $8
[00464BE4] Controls.TWinControl.GetHandle (Line 7673, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $3
[00461957] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 6189, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $A
[00461B8E] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 6242, "Controls.pas" + 33) + $6
[00461760] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 6139, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $9
[0042E830] Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10563, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[00485BE5] Forms.TApplication.StopHintTimer (Line 7128, "Forms.pas" + 3) + $D
[00484D00] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 6696, "Forms.pas" + 13) + $4
[00484D47] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 6715, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $6
[00484FE2] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 6799, "Forms.pas" + 16) + $3
[00651548] BitQwik.BitQwik (Line 95, "" + 26) + $7
// -------------- MIXED LOGIC SEARCH DETAILS -------------------------------
// -------------- MIXED LOGIC TIMING INFORMATION -------------------------------
// ============== END REPORT ==================
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  • Level 5*


Can anyone out there tell me if Bitwik supports evernote 5? I am running the latest version of both apps and am getting an error message upon opening bit qwik -

see below:





// ============== START ERROR REPORT for BitQwik Version( ==================
// --------- Evernote Information --------------
EXE Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\Evernote.exe
Script Path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ENScript.exe
Report date: 11/28/2013 11:13:09
// -------------- USER COMMENTS -------------------------------
// -------------- SEARCH FILTERS LIST -------------------------------
// -------------- INCLUDE WORDS -------------------------------
// -------------- EXCLUDE WORDS -------------------------------
// -------------- NATURAL LANGUAGE QUERY -------------------------------
Show me notes that contain the word Evernote.  Leave out notes I created this week.
// -------------- ACTUAL SEARCH QUERY -------------------------------
// -------------- MATCH STYLE (or = ANY, and = ALL) ------------------
Match style (logical connector): and
// -------------- QUERY (Last parse) -------------------------------
notes that have Hot Air's in the title
// -------------- QUERY (Curated) -------------------------------
// -------------- Selected Parser -------------------------------
// -------------- ERROR LOG -------------------------------
----------------- ERROR ------------------------
Exception class name: Exception
Exception error messge: (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised.
Sender name: cmdTestErrorHandling
Offending Note ID (if any): (none)
Stack trace: Exception - (TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick) Test error raised. }
ClassName - Exception }
[0063D37D] mainSoftTagger.TfrmMainSoftTagger.cmdTestErrorHandlingClick (Line 3684, "mainSoftTagger.pas" + 1) + $11
[0045E0D2] Controls.TControl.Click (Line 4621, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $C
[00599364] zAnimate.TzColorBtn.Click (Line 3656, "zAnimate.pas" + 10) + $3
[0045E653] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp (Line 4757, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $33
[0045DEA7] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 4561, "Controls.pas" + 53) + $8
[00464BE4] Controls.TWinControl.GetHandle (Line 7673, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $3
[00461957] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 6189, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $A
[00461B8E] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 6242, "Controls.pas" + 33) + $6
[00461760] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 6139, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $9
[0042E830] Classes.StdWndProc (Line 10563, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[00485BE5] Forms.TApplication.StopHintTimer (Line 7128, "Forms.pas" + 3) + $D
[00484D00] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 6696, "Forms.pas" + 13) + $4
[00484D47] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 6715, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $6
[00484FE2] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 6799, "Forms.pas" + 16) + $3
[00651548] BitQwik.BitQwik (Line 95, "" + 26) + $7
// -------------- MIXED LOGIC SEARCH DETAILS -------------------------------
// -------------- MIXED LOGIC TIMING INFORMATION -------------------------------
// ============== END REPORT ==================



You cross-posted.  Bad person.


And this thread is all about BQ being busted...

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Hello Tony,


The last version of Evernote that BitQwik is compatible with is or earlier.  All versions of that are not compatible because Evernote changed the COM API that BitQwik is dependent on, and they have indicated that they don't intent to help me fix it.  You can read a few of the posts immediately above yours to see the back story.


-- roschler

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I'm still running because of the major changes Evernote began to make without regard for the non-business user, and without regard for the original look and use of the product, and without regard for your application, and without regard for stability. 

Just like other software companies, I guess.  Anyway, if you downgrade below where I am, I believe they said it would mess up your database on your pc, since there was an expansion around that time.  And I don't know if that is true of releases above me, but probably, with all the business and other junk that has been added.


Good to know I can still run BQ if I ever want to, at my level.


I might take a look at the newer UI at a future time, but on a test PC using another account.


Anyway, good luck with these people, BQ guy.  Looks like they don't care about the users that want to use your product.  Not surprised.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Robert and Evernote employee (Seth?),


Premium user here who is wondering why there has been no movement on this issue even though Evernote 5 was released four months ago. I seem to remember that 5 was pretty much a mandatory update, so now nobody can use BitQwik? Since you haven't done much to make Evernote search more usable, are you guys at least doing anything to help Robert update his product?

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  • Level 5



I doubt that Evernote will respond to your question about interpersonal support. They have started developing a knock-off for BitQwik on the Mac client. No mention about Windows - might be developed if the Mac version is created. Here is some information on program.



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