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(Archived) Feedback for Evernote iOS Version 5.0 (current release) and Suggestions for 5.1


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  • Level 5*

How about we start a feedback thread that pulls together all of the bugs and suggestions for improvement. Of course, some of us (including me) are emotionally and professionally invested in the features, so we can get a little hyperbolic and unduly critical at times, so let's try and keep this positive. After all, we wouldn't be this passionate about it if we didn't like it so much, and we want to work as a team with the Evernote developers in moving forward with the app!



(1) List View on the iPad and iPhone

- By this, I mean something like we have on Android, with just the title of a note and its date. This is not to be confused with Snippet View, which is larger and takes up more space because it has a "snippet" of the text from the body of the note as well as a thumbnail image.


(2) Snippet View on the iPad

- I think a lot of users seem to miss this view from the last version of the app. See #1 for the distinction between the two.


- Personally, my favorite implementation comes from SimpleNote, which includes the ability to adjust the Snippet from 0 (list view) to 6 (snippet view) lines, as I recall.


(3) Search Field larger and easier to find on the iPad

- It's too small, and ideally we could open up the app and immediately begin typing in a note.


(4) Shared Notebooks ought to be available offline, and ought to be searched along with everything else (like we have in OSX)

- Without this, search results, especially for Saved Searches, do not work as expected.

(5) Saved Searches

- Please give us the ability to edit them, and make their creation easier (currently have to perform the search before gaining the ability to create a saved search).

(6) Search Explanations

- Please show us what search filters are being applied.

(7) Remove unnecessary animations

- The spinning note for creation and editing seems to affect speed of notetaking without adding functionality. Recent Notes seem to suffer the most.


(8) More sorting options

- Please include at least as many as Android, preferably as much as Windows, especially the reverse sort.

- Created Date. The developers have already acknowledged the lack of a created date sort, and will add that.


- Notebook.

(9) Notebooks in List and Snippet View

- Please give us a list and snippet view for these as well.

(10) Numbers

- How many notes, search results, or words in each note do I have?



(1) Cannot delete notebooks

- Already acknowledged, and will be fixed.


(2) Landscape mode with finding or creating notebooks does not work properly


(3) Sections (nabs?) going black


(4) Audio playback not working properly


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As suggested on another thread (but collecting them all in this one thread is a good idea) - if the iPad version of Evernote could look and work exactly like Clever HD and/or the Android version of Evernote, then I'd be happy with that. The only thing lacking in Clever HD (a third party app) is the ability for local storage of notes and notebooks.

Or maybe just buy out the developer of Clever HD, use his app, and just add the ability to store locally....

Just a thought - might even be cheaper than going through all the development stages and reinventing what Clever HD already does...

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As I requested in another thread, please support within Evernote for TextExpander.

I am a huge fan of Clever HD and use it almost exclusively except to access notes offline if I am not near a wi-fi hotspot. Also, I believe that Clever HD does not support rtf note formatting but most times that is not an issue for me.

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iPhone: I MUST be missing how to navigate in the new version, but for the life of me I cannot find the alpha index that used to be on the right edge. It allowed instant jumps to notes beginning with that letter. Was this feature deleted? If so, MAJOR need.

I thought this feature was more of a joke, at least in the Tags screen since there was no way to actually find Tags via a real search.

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  • Level 5*

iPhone: I MUST be missing how to navigate in the new version, but for the life of me I cannot find the alpha index that used to be on the right edge. It allowed instant jumps to notes beginning with that letter. Was this feature deleted? If so, MAJOR need.

I thought this feature was more of a joke, at least in the Tags screen since there was no way to actually find Tags via a real search.

I'm actually missing this a lot, and a minor change that deleted one variant of this went missing last version as well. I have found it necessary to create a bunch of very targeted searches (I still need to get around to saving them) so that I don't have to scroll.

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  • Level 5*



(7) Downloading headers

- My longtime nemesis is back, but this time in a somewhat less obstructive role. When I open the app and tap into the search field, and paste in a search term I get a downloading headers message, the search field inexplicably disappears, and when the downloading headers message goes away, the search field returns empty. I have to start the process again.

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iPhone: I MUST be missing how to navigate in the new version, but for the life of me I cannot find the alpha index that used to be on the right edge. It allowed instant jumps to notes beginning with that letter. Was this feature deleted? If so, MAJOR need.

I thought this feature was more of a joke, at least in the Tags screen since there was no way to actually find Tags via a real search.

A joke? So you don't mind scrolling through dozens of pages up and down? And, if you're at the Zs in the list, having to scroll dozens of swipes up to the top to get to the Search field? This is a horrible implementation. I've recommended EN to everyone with an iPhone. Now I'm going to have to seek a new app that has the user in mind. I'm really disappointed.

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I have noticed that notes in Shared Notebooks do not appear in the All Notes section. This is pretty disappointing as this is a feature on Evernote 5 for Mac. Was this just a bug? I hope it appears in the next version ;)

Also, the app is a bit laggy. But I'm sure that will be fixed with time.

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A joke? So you don't mind scrolling through dozens of pages up and down?

No, I use multiple Tags and search. My notes are usually organised well enough so I can find everything really fast without scrolling through dozens of pages.

I just never look things up via their first letter. I don't usually prepend dates to titles either so the first letter could be anything, it's really meaningless.

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And, if you're at the Zs in the list, having to scroll dozens of swipes up to the top to get to the Search field?

For those who may not know, you can always scroll straight to the top of a long list (Evernote, Twitter, Facebook, photos - anything) by tapping on the black bar at the very top of the screen - the one with your connection status, the time, and the battery staus in it.

Unfortunately, there is no equivalent for getting to the bottom of a long page apart from loads of finger-flicking...!

And re May's comment above - it's horses for courses, as we say here Down Under. Or different strokes for different folks. That Alphabetical scroll bar is almost an iOS standard - it's even in the Contacts app. And given that the iOS version of Evernote DID have it - why remove it? It worked for lots of people, while others found it useless. Maybe the extra few pixels of width could be saved by having that scroll bar as an option...

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Yeah, the alphabetical scroll bar wouldn't hurt, it's not a problem as long as there is also an option to do real search.

The problem was that in previous version of Evernote, for example, there was ONLY alphabetical scroll bar in the Tag screen and instead of finding Tags via real search, you could only find Tags if you remembered their first letter. This always seemed like a bad joke to me because in a digital database lack of real search doesn't make any sense.

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And, if you're at the Zs in the list, having to scroll dozens of swipes up to the top to get to the Search field?

For those who may not know, you can always scroll straight to the top of a long list (Evernote, Twitter, Facebook, photos - anything) by tapping on the black bar at the very top of the screen - the one with your connection status, the time, and the battery staus in it.

Unfortunately, there is no equivalent for getting to the bottom of a long page apart from loads of finger-flicking...!

And re May's comment above - it's horses for courses, as we say here Down Under. Or different strokes for different folks. That Alphabetical scroll bar is almost an iOS standard - it's even in the Contacts app. And given that the iOS version of Evernote DID have it - why remove it? It worked for lots of people, while others found it useless. Maybe the extra few pixels of width could be saved by having that scroll bar as an option...

THANKS Nightstalker! I didn't know about clicking the black bar on the top of the screen--and I thought I had clicked everywhere there was. Making a quick way to get back to the Search field will make a big difference.

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  • Level 5*



(8) Tap to edit

- I think I just haven't got the hang of it, but sometimes it seems to take 5 or 6 taps to get things going. I liked the tap to edit when we could see the list of notes on one side, and the content on the other. This meant we could open the app, go to our notes, and then immeditely start editing. In the current version the note content is hidden until you open it up by tapping on the card. Then, you have to tap on the body to edit. All things being equal, we might be better off bringing the old pencil icon back, because the amount of tapping is working out to be the same, and at least then we could make a clear and more-easily recognizable choice to edit.

- Of course, if the split screen comes back, I'd like to keep the tap to edit :)

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I will be blunt. The new iPad interface? I hate it. Why do I hate it? It violates the basic rule of good Web design, "Don't make me think." The old standard layout made it perfectly clear how to add tags or change notebooks. The new one leaves me clueless. The old standard layout may have resembled the one in a lot of Mac/iPad programs—BUT THAT WAS A GOOD THING. I didn't have to chance habits while moving from one program to another. Please, for God's sake, at least make it obvious how to add tags and change notebooks!!!

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Editing tags when you try to type them goes off the screen in landscape mode



Sometimes it also works correctly



Actually I have figured out a way to reproduce this bug on demand and have found a workaround. The workaround is to first tap on the note title and only then edit and type/search Tags.

Whenever I open a note and try to edit Tags right away then I get the bug. But if I first tap on the note title and after that edit Tags then I don't get the bug.

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  • Level 5*



(1) List View on the iPad and iPhone

- By this, I mean something like we have on Windows. Look at that information density :)

- https://www.evernote...Small&width=832

- If not Windows (with a split screen showing the note list and note content at the same time), then Android, with just the title of a note and its date.


- This is not to be confused with Snippet View, which is larger and takes up more space because it has a "snippet" of the text from the body of the note as well as a thumbnail image.


(2) Snippet View on the iPad

- I think a lot of users seem to miss this view from the last version of the app. See #1 for the distinction between the two.


- Personally, my favorite implementation comes from SimpleNote, which includes the ability to adjust the Snippet from 0 (list view) to 6 (snippet view) lines, as I recall.


(3) Search Field larger and easier to find on the iPad

- It's too small, and ideally we could open up the app and immediately begin typing in a note.


(4) Shared Notebooks ought to be available offline, and ought to be searched along with everything else (like we have in OSX)

- Without this, search results, especially for Saved Searches, do not work as expected.

(5) Saved Searches

- Please give us the ability to edit them, and make their creation easier (currently have to perform the search before gaining the ability to create a saved search).

(6) Search Explanations

- Please show us what search filters are being applied.

(7) Remove unnecessary animations

- The spinning note for creation and editing seems to affect speed of notetaking without adding functionality. Recent Notes seem to suffer the most.


(8) More sorting options

- Please include at least as many as Android, preferably as much as Windows, especially the reverse sort.

- Created Date. The developers have already acknowledged the lack of a created date sort, and will add that.


- Notebook.


(9) Notebooks in List and Snippet View

- Please give us a list and snippet view for these as well.

(10) Numbers

- How many notes, search results, or words in each note do I have?

(11) Account switching made easier

- On the developer's radar


(12) TextExpander Support

- http://discussion.ev...r-textexpander/

(13) Grouping

- Add some options (by month / not by month) and an index bar so we can move more quickly through them.

(14) External keyboard support for tab to move

It would be nice if we could use the tab key to move from the title of the note to the body for editing.

(15) Note Links

- We cannot make them, and it would be great if we could.



(1) Cannot delete notebooks

- Already acknowledged, and will be fixed.


(2) Landscape mode with finding or creating notebooks does not work properly


- A workaround was found by May.


(3) Sections (nabs?) going black


(4) Audio playback not working properly


(5) Lost Data

- http://discussion.ev...data-in-a-note/

- I am not sure if this is iOS, or something else, but worth noting.


(6) Offline notes download slow


(7) Downloading headers

- My longtime nemesis is back, but this time in a somewhat less obstructive role. When I open the app and tap into the search field, and paste in a search term I get a downloading headers message, the search field inexplicably disappears, and when the downloading headers message goes away, the search field returns empty. I have to start the process again.

(8) Tap to edit

- I think I just haven't got the hang of it, but sometimes it seems to take 5 or 6 taps to get things going. I liked the tap to edit when we could see the list of notes on one side, and the content on the other. This meant we could open the app, go to our notes, and then immeditely start editing. In the current version the note content is hidden until you open it up by tapping on the card. Then, you have to tap on the body to edit. All things being equal, we might be better off bringing the old pencil icon back, because the amount of tapping is working out to be the same, and at least then we could make a clear and more-easily recognizable choice to edit.

- Of course, if the split screen comes back, I'd like to keep the tap to edit :)

(9) Lag

- Recent notes slow to open. Full-screen mode stutters open.

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I agree to the nasty bug when adding tags to notes. I used to do that a lot, the new way is horrible and buggy.

The only good way is to make a second line under the title line which alloWs multiple addition of tags separated by a comma. This is fast and efficient, having to click on the info button and then the horizontal black box bug is no alternative.

In general the new GUI is less fluid, less simple. What a pity. Looks nice at first view, but the old one was more simple and intuitive. This is not just about clinging to old habits!

I hope the tagging Bug is fixed soon, or even better: bring back the old method.

Probably the best might be to allow to switch back to the old version. I probably would...



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  • Level 5*



(1) List View on the iPad and iPhone

- By this, I mean something like we have on Windows. Look at that information density :)

- https://www.evernote...Small&width=832

- If not Windows (with a split screen showing the note list and note content at the same time), then Android, with just the title of a note and its date.


- This is not to be confused with Snippet View, which is larger and takes up more space because it has a "snippet" of the text from the body of the note as well as a thumbnail image.


(2) Snippet View on the iPad

- I think a lot of users seem to miss this view from the last version of the app. See #1 for the distinction between the two.


- Personally, my favorite implementation comes from SimpleNote, which includes the ability to adjust the Snippet from 0 (list view) to 6 (snippet view) lines, as I recall.


(3) Search Field larger and easier to find on the iPad

- It's too small, and ideally we could open up the app and immediately begin typing in a note.


(4) Shared Notebooks ought to be available offline, and ought to be searched along with everything else (like we have in OSX)

- Without this, search results, especially for Saved Searches, do not work as expected.

(5) Saved Searches

- Please give us the ability to edit them, and make their creation easier (currently have to perform the search before gaining the ability to create a saved search).

(6) Search Explanations

- Please show us what search filters are being applied.

(7) Remove unnecessary animations

- The spinning note for creation and editing seems to affect speed of notetaking without adding functionality. Recent Notes seem to suffer the most.


(8) More sorting options

- Please include at least as many as Android, preferably as much as Windows, especially the reverse sort.

- Created Date. The developers have already acknowledged the lack of a created date sort, and will add that.


- Notebook.


(9) Notebooks in List and Snippet View

- Please give us a list and snippet view for these as well.

(10) Numbers

- How many notes, search results, or words in each note do I have?

(11) Account switching made easier

- On the developer's radar


(12) TextExpander Support

- http://discussion.ev...r-textexpander/

(13) Grouping

- Add some options (by month / not by month) and an index bar so we can move more quickly through them.

(14) External keyboard support for tab to move

It would be nice if we could use the tab key to move from the title of the note to the body for editing.

(15) Note Links

- We cannot make them, and it would be great if we could.



(1) Cannot delete notebooks

- Already acknowledged, and will be fixed.


(2) Landscape mode with finding or creating notebooks does not work properly


- A workaround was found by May.


(3) Sections (nabs?) going black


(4) Audio playback not working properly


(5) Lost Data

- http://discussion.ev...data-in-a-note/

- I am not sure if this is iOS, or something else, but worth noting.


(6) Offline notes download slow


(7) Downloading headers

- My longtime nemesis is back, but this time in a somewhat less obstructive role. When I open the app and tap into the search field, and paste in a search term I get a downloading headers message, the search field inexplicably disappears, and when the downloading headers message goes away, the search field returns empty. I have to start the process again.

(8) Tap to edit

- I think I just haven't got the hang of it, but sometimes it seems to take 5 or 6 taps to get things going. I liked the tap to edit when we could see the list of notes on one side, and the content on the other. This meant we could open the app, go to our notes, and then immeditely start editing. In the current version the note content is hidden until you open it up by tapping on the card. Then, you have to tap on the body to edit. All things being equal, we might be better off bringing the old pencil icon back, because the amount of tapping is working out to be the same, and at least then we could make a clear and more-easily recognizable choice to edit.

- Of course, if the split screen comes back, I'd like to keep the tap to edit :)

(9) Lag

- Recent notes slow to open. Full-screen mode stutters open.

(10) Scrolling on iPad

- When you try to go to the top of a note by tapping the black bar at the top of the iPad, the card view in the background scrolls to the top, but the note that is open and being viewed is unaffected.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*

@Grumpy Are any of these iOS bugs still present?

7, 8, and 9 definitely remain. 7, in particular, is causing me considerable grief. 6 is a longstanding problem that is probably expected behavior, even if I don't think three hours + to download my relatively small account is good (I have less than 1 GB of data, down from 25 GB, which used to take days).

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  • Level 5*

@Grumpy how complex are the search terms you are pasting, or does it occur with simple ones too?


"(7) Downloading headers"

Techraf seems to be having performance issues here too. http://discussion.ev..._20#entry180062

Interesting. I don't really get much of the syncing after typing in searches. I was getting that, and it was extremely annoying to have my searches erased so a sync could occur. Now, though, I can't do anything. I open the app, it freezes, and we are done until it crashes. I cannot get anything at all to work. Downloading headers 100% in one app, and Downloading headers 25% in another.

My problem with Japanese is that my searches are horribly wrong. 0 on the iPad, hundreds of hits on other clients. It is pretty frustrating, but I've covered that in another thread, and I am working on filing another bug report for it soon via customer support. The problem (as far as I can tell) is actually search inconsistency on every client, but I actually reported this stuff months (?) ago, so it is not tied to the new update (except for getting even worse).

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@Grumpy With regard to your sync/header issues I wonder whether it depends on which Server/Shard your data is located. I suspect as I am a relatively new user I'm on more modern kit? Have you tried setting up another account and testing the performance?

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  • Level 5*

@Grumpy With regard to your sync/header issues I wonder whether it depends on which Server/Shard your data is located. I suspect as I am a relatively new user I'm on more modern kit? Have you tried setting up another account and testing the performance?

I don't know. Good question. I have one account that is probably somewhere on the first shard, and a more recent one from 2010 (?) that could be on more modern kit. I suppose that could be an issue, of course, but I can't explain why three out of my four iOS apps do not work for the same account. Why is my iPad public release version OK? It is a mystery to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*

TextExpander Touch support would be a huge help.

Hi. Welcome to the forums.

Yep. I've got that in there.

I don't use it myself, so it is not a big deal to me, but I have friends who swear by it. I know it sounds obvious, but could you tell us why you'd like it? Maybe, if the developers have a use case then they can get a better sense of what kind of users are asking for this.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The fact that all lists of notes (all notes, search results, tags, etc.) are grouped by month drives me crazy. This should be optional or just turned off. What month a note was edited is the least important aspect of notes. Most often, a search finds notes over a long period where each month only contains one note. All that month grouping does is waste most of the space on my (iPad) screen and require a lot of scrolling for results that could be displayed at once. I don't care as much if it's list or thumbnail format (although I prefer list and use it on desktop).


-- Paul (premium, user since 7/13/08)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Please add "alphabetical index tabs" to notebooks on iOS devices.
I have several notebooks containing 60 to 216 notes each. I spend far too much time scrolling through a notebook to get to notes in the latter part of the alphabet. An alphabetical index along the right side of the open notebook would allow us to skip directly to that letter.
(Yes, I have notes organized by "title" but it still takes too much time to get to notes beginning with S or T or W )

If this is not the correct forum to post this, please advise and I will repost accordingly.

Thank You!



Mod comment: I deleted your duplicate post, the forum appears to be double posting this weekend.

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Please add "alphabetical index tabs" to notebooks on iOS devices.

I have several notebooks containing 60 to 216 notes each. I spend far too much time scrolling through a notebook to get to notes in the latter part of the alphabet. An alphabetical index along the right side of the open notebook would allow us to skip directly to that letter.

(Yes, I have notes organized by "title" but it still takes too much time to get to notes beginning with S or T or W )

If this is not the correct forum to post this, please advise and I will repost accordingly.

Thank You!



Mod comment: I deleted your duplicate post, the forum appears to be double posting this weekend.

If you switch to the new snippet view you will see we now have exactly what you want!

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I have stayed with version 4.4.1 off-and-on (mostly on) since version 5 came out.  I did this mostly for the iPad (snippet view) but stuck with 4.4 on the iPhone as well.  I recently installed version 5.2.3 on both devices and I have to say I am delighted with what Evernote has done to meet my needs.  Well done.


Having said that, the one thing that I do miss on the iPhone in version 5.2 that was available in version 4 is the small snippet navagation bar that would allow jumping months (I sort by Date Created).  It had a slider and dots representing months - I used that to jump backwards months at a time when browsing for earlier notes (I know I could do this by a date-range search, but the navagation bar was just very convenient) 


This is available on the iPad (and much improved I might add - thanks!) but not on the iPhone. 


I'd really like to see this brought back in a future update.

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I have stayed with version 4.4.1 off-and-on (mostly on) since version 5 came out.  I did this mostly for the iPad (snippet view) but stuck with 4.4 on the iPhone as well.  I recently installed version 5.2.3 on both devices and I have to say I am delighted with what Evernote has done to meet my needs.  Well done.


Having said that, the one thing that I do miss on the iPhone in version 5.2 that was available in version 4 is the small snippet navagation bar that would allow jumping months (I sort by Date Created).  It had a slider and dots representing months - I used that to jump backwards months at a time when browsing for earlier notes (I know I could do this by a date-range search, but the navagation bar was just very convenient) 


This is available on the iPad (and much improved I might add - thanks!) but not on the iPhone. 


I'd really like to see this brought back in a future update.


Agreed I assumed we were talking iPad.... I too still use version 4 on the iPhone for this and other unique features!

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  • 7 months later...

(7) Remove unnecessary animations

- The spinning note for creation and editing seems to affect speed of notetaking without adding functionality. Recent Notes seem to suffer the most.



I would go even further in removing animations. Please give us the option to remove all the animations and transitions. Just immediate action. I miss Linux console where you could change your session without somebody eating away your time with useless animations. That would be excellent.


Consider a hammer playing an animation every time you want to hit a nail? That will get very old very fast. Why do we have this on computer software? Just asking.

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  • Level 5*

(7) Remove unnecessary animations- The spinning note for creation and editing seems to affect speed of notetaking without adding functionality. Recent Notes seem to suffer the most. http://discussion.ev...a-note-on-ipad/

I would go even further in removing animations. Please give us the option to remove all the animations and transitions. Just immediate action. I miss Linux console where you could change your session without somebody eating away your time with useless animations. That would be excellent.


Consider a hammer playing an animation every time you want to hit a nail? That will get very old very fast. Why do we have this on computer software? Just asking.

Agreed. I don't want animations of any kind. The more processor speed we get, the more animations people stick in, and we never really seem to get the speed we want. But, that is the way of the world, and I think we have to live with it, because that is what people expect from their apps.

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