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Export Places to KML?

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Is there a way to export the spatial data of notes/Places in order to map in say Google Earth? Probably not, but it would be a good feature to have. Taking notes in the field with place information doesn't do a lot of good for work/research without being able to get the information out of Evernote.

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I had the same problem! And I solved it my own way!

I had a collection of places I would like to visit in my holidays in Evernote, and wanted to see them in Google Earth. So I did a little perl script, which takes the exported data from evernote (it's just xml, easy to parse - thanks to the evernote team for that). And it writes them to an kml-file I can import into Google Earth.

This is it: http://code.google.c...wse/enex2kml.pl - I've just uploaded the code to Google Code for free use for everybody!

Sorry, there is no documentation at the moment. I did it only for my own use! So there will be no support and no further development.

You need Perl to run it. You may get it at http://www.perl.org for your system, or http://www.activestate.com/activeperl for perl for windows. Because the script is Perl, and there are Perl interpreters for all platforms, the script should run under most operating systems. But I've only tested it with Linux.


Under real operating system like Linux ;), just make the script executeable, and type something like

./enex2kml -i exportfile.enex -o outputfile.kml -s -v






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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...

I realise that there is little chance that you will see this reply, but I just wanted to thank you very much for this script - I've found it really useful. 


Also, I was hoping it would be possible to export the text of the note and insert it into a description field which Google Maps can then read. I've had a go but it's complicated because it's within a CDATA section. If you were able to help me out I'd be very grateful. 


All best wishes, 


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  • 2 months later...

Dear Tiggr,


thanks for the script! It works great and solves a "problem" I had. I am running it on Windows using ActivePerl. The only thing I had to do was to install something called XML-LibXML.


Best regards,



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  • 2 months later...

Dear Tiggr,


thanks again for the script! I was wondering if you have ever thought about the opposite direction: to convert a KML-File into an ENEX-File. That could then be imported into Evernote and one would automatically have one note per place (including the GPS-Data) ready to be edited.


Best regards,



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...


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