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(Archived) Evernote Android and indenting


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Seems like in the latest versions of Evernote for Android, the attempt to simplify the formatting toolbar has removed important functionality. Particularly, paragraph indentation is gone. (Or was it never there I didn't notice until now?)

I was able to add indentation manually by inserting tabs but what I've found is that while the tabs show up while editing the note, in the viewing mode they don't. They show up as barely perceptible spaces instead. If I edit the note, the tabs show up again.

We need better format retention between desktop and mobile platforms. I think it just got worse instead.

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  • Level 5*

I don't see the indenting tools in the latest release, on the Kindle Fire. Curiously, the new GMail email composer doesn't have them either, which is why I switched back to the old one.

Inserting tabs doesn't work, since those are just white-space in HTML. Indenting is implemented in the underlying HTML using nested <blockquote> elements currently, from what I can tell (export a nested not to ENEX to see for yourself). Per W3School (http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_blockquote.asp), block quotes are usually indented.

The Windows client used to indent lines if you pressed the Tab key at the start of a line if I recall correctly, but that doesn't seem to hold any more; spaces are inserted instead. Other clients may do something different.

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