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(Archived) OpenID, OAuth, Pelotonics, Evernote and Evernote User Forum

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My first thoughts, as I registered

first at Evernote

then at Pelotonics

then again at Evernote User Forum:

* Yet Another Registration :D

Three registrations, in fact.

Please, do you have a timeline to improve support for OpenID?

As sync (avoiding multiplication of effort) should be at the core of Evernote, so triplication of effort for support purposes is an immediate disappointment.

Cross-reference http://forums.pelotonics.com/topic/open ... d-evernote

(As a rule of thumb, any services that I recommend to colleagues should be OpenID enabled.)

I see viewtopic.php?f=43&t=7737 but we shouldn't confuse OpenID with more complex SSO…


Graham Perrin, Project/Media Development Officer

CENTRIM - the Centre for Research in Innovation Management



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Re: OpenID, I received a very speedy acknowledgement and reassurance via Twitter — thanks :)

> immediate disappointment.

Sorry, that was somewhat harsh! Especially for something that was or is recently a beta.

My concerns over identity/password management remain but they need not detract from functionality of Evernote for registered users. I'll continue to investigate the features…

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This forum was set up several years before the Evernote service, using a standard forum software package, so it doesn't leverage the same user information as your Evernote account, unfortunately.

We do support OpenID to log in to your account (http://www.evernote.com/OpenID.action), but we still require a registration. Since we're keeping your valuable data, we need to make sure that we have (e.g.) your email address in case you forget your password, etc. "Bare" OpenID is great for light little things like commenting on blogs, but it's not perfect for high-value services that manage important data for years on end.

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Thanks for the follow up.

Certainly, require or suggest that the user provide to Evernote an e-mail address.

Certainly, require a registration.

OpenID implemented with consideration should allow your user to provide such things to you *without* forcing the user to manage yet another online password.

High value may be gained from obtaining OpenID service from a trusted OpenID provider. A provider that may be trusted with important credentials/data for years on end :)

With OpenID, the user's loss of password is never your concern, the user knows to contact their OpenID provider :)

Now: when you address your users via e-mail, it's more likely to be in a positive way (not negatively associated with *loss* (of passwords/credentials)).

Does phpBB have plans to support OpenID?

Thanks for your attention,


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