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(Archived) Evernote freezes, Mac slows down. Quiting Evernote makes Mac alive

Eric Voigt


So working with Evernote is ok, but recently Evernote freezes randomly. Takes a while to wake up. When Evernote freezes, my mac goes to.

Quitting Evernote makes my Mac come to live again.


in Console I fount this entry:

24-10-12 14:19:32,908 Evernote[3584]: CoreData: error: (External Records Support): symlink from path /Users/ericvoigt/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/Evernote/accounts/Evernote/ericvoigt/Evernote.sql to path /Users/ericvoigt/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/CoreData/com.evernote.Evernote/A4727090-0E04-48B7-84E0-71648C76E166/.support/store-file : Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=516 "Het bestand 'store-file' kan niet worden bewaard in de map '.support', omdat er al een bestand met dezelfde naam bestaat." UserInfo=0x123db2f0 {NSFilePath=/Users/ericvoigt/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/CoreData/com.evernote.Evernote/A4727090-0E04-48B7-84E0-71648C76E166/.support/store-file, NSUnderlyingError=0xe2e9fb0 "De bewerking kan niet worden voltooid. Bestand bestaat al"}

Dutch OSX Mountain Lion.

Anyone any idea how to fix this?

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2 replies to this idea

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I am having the same problem with lion except worse. It's freezing the entire machine. It took me a while to figure out which application it was but just by chance I happen to start Evernote and then my machine froze. I t appears to be the sync that's causing the problem. I will have to discontinue use until there is a fix.

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I seem to be having a similar issue as well. Usually I use Evernote on the PC as I like that version better. When I started using Evernote on the Mac I get a significant slow down when I use evernote on the computer, web is okay.

Right now I'm keeping my evernote use on the Mac to a minimum. Hope this gets resolved, as I really enjoy using evernote.

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