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(Archived) Using Evernote as diary

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  • Level 5*

Depends on the Evernote client that you are using. In the Windows client, you select the note that you want to backdate, display the Note Info panel (View / Show Note Info or F8 -- these cycle it between showing more or less note information) until you see the Created Date control, to the left side under the note title. Change the created date there.

Other clients are different, and some (the mobile clients, possibly the web client) don't have a UI to let you change the created date.

Alternatively, you could put the date in the title, using some fixed format; if you put it at the front of the title, you could do some some sorting on it. Some Evernoters do this sort of thing, though I do not.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Level 5*

Would be very cool if a guy could set up Evernote so that a particular folder would not sort based on the modification date, but rather by the created date.

Indeed. I would like to see saved searches able to save the sort order as well. I would like to see notebooks remember sort orders as well.

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  • 3 months later...

it's possible to set the default sort order to "date created", which is what I do.  I also use Evernote as a diary, and back (and sometimes forward) date entries.  Windows is easiest to edit dates (display the note info, but the date windows sometimes gets a bit grabby).  Windows also can pop up a calendar picker.  On a mac, you show note properties (a popup window), and have to type dates as March 14, 2013 and no calendar picker, but you can paste dates.  If I'm on the web, I'll put the date in the title and change the date when I get to a platform which can.  Personally, I wish date setting were a lot easier.

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  • Level 5*

You can certainly set note list order to create date, or any of a number of other attributes (depends on the client), but there's no way to set that ordering specifically on a notebook, or more particularly, in a saved search (where you could apply it to a notebook, a set of tags, or other search filters).

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